Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question below please feel free to contact us.

What is involved in taking part in a study?

We use a variety of methods in our research. Some studies involve playing a series of short games with your infant or child. Others involve showing videos or playing them sounds while we monitor where your child looks, or what is happening in their brain. We always make sure that we agree with you what your child will be doing before your visit.

How long will my visit take?

A visit will usually take between 30 and 60 minutes. We adapt our studies to the age of the infants or children who take part. This means that most of the studies consist of just one or two short periods, each lasting 20 to 30 minutes. We ensure that you are both settled in before we get started with a study, and we take time at the end to discuss what we have been doing. So a usual visit to ICL would take in the region of one hour.

Will I be with my child the whole time?

The majority of studies allow you to be present during testing. However, for some research this is not possible, although this would only be for a short period. We will always discuss this with you before a visit.

What if we don't want to continue?

We aim to make your visit as interesting and enjoyable as possible. But we know that babies and children sometimes get bored, tired or just fed-up! Our basic rule is that you are able to decide to stop at any point, and this will not pose any problem at all.

Will I be paid for my time?

This will depend on the study and is something that will be discussed before any testing commences.

Can my other children come too?

We have a waiting area in ICL with comfortable seats, toys etc. where other children can be minded by one of our helpers. When we arrange your visit we will ask whether you will bring any other children with you.