Non-paraneoplastic antibodies coincidental link with the cancer

This group of antigens are directly accessible to circulating antibodies (considered pathogenic) due to their extracellular location (i.e. neuronal cell surface) and are responsive to treatment.

These antibodies are detected by the staining seen on the transfected HEK cells.

Some of these include the following:-

Non-paraneoplastic antibodies
AntibodyAntigenNeurological DisorderAssociated tumour(s)Target antigen
NMDAR Glutamate receptor LE Ovarian teratoma N-terminal extracellular domain of the NR1 subunit of NMDAR
LG1 VGKC protein LE with FBDS Rare LGI1
CASPR2 VGKC protein Neuromyotonia + / - CASPR2
APAR Receptor LE + / - Lung, breast or thymus GluR1 and GluR2 subunits of AMPAR
GABABR Receptor LE (mainly seizures) SCLC B1 receptor subunit of GABABR
Glycine Receptor PERM Rare α1 receptor subunit of Glycine receptor


AMPAR - alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor, CASPR2 = contactin-associated protein-like 2, GABA – Gamma amino butyric acid, LGI1 = Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 antibody, SOX = Sex determining region Y-box,

FBDS = Faciobrachial-dystonic seizures, LE = limbic encephalomyelitis, PERM = Progressive encephalomyelitis, with rigidity and myoclonus

VGKC = Voltage gated potassium channel,

HEK = Human Embryonic Kidney