
Our facility currently houses 11 mass spectrometers. Together, these instruments are able to analyse a very diverse range of organic, organometallic, inorganic and biological compounds.

Mass spectrometry equipment

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Which instrument is best used for my sample?

Users are advised to consult a member of the Facility team to discuss their individual analyses and requirements.

Sample / RequirementWaters Synapt-G2-S Waters Xevo-G2-XSWaters GCT Premier  Bruker Ultraflextreme Waters MALDI micro Bruker MicrOToF Q2Waters LCTThermofisher LCQWaters SQDAdvion CMS-TLC-HPLC
Small amount / low concentration X X                
Mr < 400 Da     X              
Mr < 1 kDa   X               X
Mr < 1.5 kDa                 X  
Mr < 2 kDa X           X X    
Mr > 2 kDa X     X X          
Mr > 4 kDa X         X        
Biological molecules X X   X X          
Significant fragmentation desirable X   X X       X    
Significant fragmentation not desirable X X X X X X X X X X
Ions of identical mass present X                  
Volatile or soluble in a volatile solvent     X              
Walk-up       X X       X X
Reaction monitoring                 X X
Tissue imaging       X            

Waters Synapt-G2-S

This high-resolution mass spectrometer displays excellent sensitivity, allowing the analysis of samples of low concentration. It can be used for both accurate mass measurement and structure elucidation.

ESI, APCI, APPI and MALDI ionisation techniques are available and the instrument has the capability to distinguish ions of identical mass by ion mobility.

This instrument can be linked to HPLC, allowing the analysis of mixtures and is also equipped with an MS/MS capability, which can be used if greater fragmentation is required for structure elucidation purposes.

Our Synapt G2-S is a versatile instrument but is particularly useful, and generally reserved for, biological molecules such as peptides, proteins, saccharides and oligonucleotides.

Waters Xevo-G2-XS

The Facility houses two of these extremely versatile, high-resolution, high-sensitivity instruments; one is configured specifically to analyse oligonucleotides, the other is used to analyse a very broad range of organic and organometallic compounds (Mr typically < 1 kDa).

ESI, APCI and APPI techniques are available and mixtures can be separated by HPLC prior to analysis.

These instruments are used to provide for accurate mass measurement, molecular weight determination and structure elucidation.

Waters GCT Premier

This instrument separates mixtures by gas chromatography (GC) prior to ionisation by either EI or CI. It is thus suitable for samples which are either volatile themselves or soluble in volatile solvents.  This linked GC-MS technique is especially suited for the analysis of low molecular weight species (Mr typically < 400 Da). Our Waters GCT Premier is used in the Facility for both accurate mass measurement and structure elucidation.

Bruker Ultraflextreme

MALDI- TOF/TOF mass spectrometer with 5 GS/s 10 bit digitizer for enhanced dynamic rangeThis MALDI instrument is usually used to analyse medium to large molecules (Mr > 2 kDa) including peptides and proteins, as well as some organometallic compounds which require very soft ionisation to prevent excessive fragmentation. The laser in this instrument is so fine (described as hairline) that it can be used for imaging of biological tissue samples.

Our Ultraflextreme is equipped with a MS/MS capability which can be used if greater fragmentation is required, for example, for structure elucidation purposes.

This instrument is available for use as a walk-up instrument by arrangement.

Waters MALDI micro MX

This is a MALDI instrument and as such is suitable for medium to large molecules such as peptides, proteins, and some organometallic compounds where very soft ionisation is required to prevent excessive fragmentation.

This instrument is available for use as a walk-up instrument by arrangement.

Bruker MicrOToF QII

microTOF focus II high performance molecular formula solutionThe MicrOToF QII instrument is suitable for larger compounds (Mr typically > 4 kDa) such as synthetic peptides. Ionisation is achieved by electrospray and mixtures can be separated by HPLC prior to MS analysis of the individual components.




Waters LCT

This instrument is suitable for smaller organic and organometallic compounds (Mr typically < 2 kDa). Ionisation is achieved by eletrospray and mixtures can be separated by HPLC prior to MS analysis of the individual components.

Thermofisher LCQ Fleet

This instrument is suitable for smaller organic and organometallic compounds (Mr typically < 2 kDa). Ionisation is achieved by electrospray and mixtures can be separated by HPLC prior to MS analysis of the individual components.

This instrument is also equipped with an MS/MS capability if greater fragmentation is required, for example, for structure elucidation purposes.

Waters SQD

This instrument is equipped with ESI, APCI and APPI techniques and is reserved for walk-up use by arrangement.  Our Waters SQD is ideal for lower resolution molecular weight measurements on smaller organic and organometallic compounds (Mr typically < 1.5 kDa), and therefore widely used for reaction monitoring and analysing reaction intermediates.


This instrument uses electrospray ionisation.  It is reserved for walk-up use by arrangement.  It has a linked HPLC for analysing mixtures and the capability to analyse compounds by sampling directly from a spot on a TLC plate, making it ideal for reaction monitoring.  It is suitable for lower resolution molecular weight measurements on smaller organic and organometallic compounds (Mr typically < 1000 Da).