Aston Bindings

This is a 50-volume set of Sacred Books of the East was printed at the Clarendon Press between 1879-1910.

This includes an 1880 edition of the Qur'an in the translation considered to be the best in English and closest to the spiritual content of the original. It also has a comprehensive and illuminating preface on the Prophet Muhammad (571-632) and the religious and political context of Arabia by Henry Edward Palmer, who had an intimate knowledge of the language of the Bedouins. 

Also part of the set is the first printing of the landmark comprehensive English version of the I Ching in 1882, translated by various Oriental scholars and edited by F. Max Muller. The set is sumptuously bound by J. Aston in full red, green or black leather with gold tooling, silk endpapers and all edges gilt.