
Our Drug Discovery Facility is available for commercial use. Whether your company requires full or partial access to the platforms, or if you have your own compound collections that you would like to put through either of the platforms, we aim to provide a flexible service that accommodates your every research needs.

Initial enquires to be directed to Dr Luke Alderwick

Application and Fee Schedule

 Fees for IMI, School of Biosciences academic partners and research scientistsExternal Fees
Initial consultation/enquiry Free Free
Technical consultation* Free TBD
Assay Optimization TBD TBD
Screening <2500 compounds TBD TBD
Screening of >2500 and <10000 compounds TBD TBD
Screening > 10000 compounds TBD TBD

TDB – Price to be determined through negotiation
* Technical consultation refers to the BDDF providing expert advice, guidance and technical knowledge on the adaption of assays into a format suitable for high throughput screening.


The BDDF is also interested in assisting potential users of the facility with the provision of information for grant applications. Letters of support/collaboration can be provided to scientists/laboratories/companies applying for grant funding to support a screening campaign. However, the BDDF reserves the right to accept/reject approaches that fail to disclose the full intentions of the use of the BDDF facilities.