Newly arrived books at the Barber Fine Art Library are listed below. We will update the list regularly when new books arrive and have been processed.
February 2025
Visual arts
- The Revelation of Saint John the Divine / with lithographs by Hans Feibusch.
London : Collins, 1946.
Classmark: f BS2825 .F4
- Catholica : the visual culture of Catholicism / Suzanna Ivanič.
London : Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2022.
Classmark: BX1795.A78 I93
- L'invention de la Renaissance : l'humaniste, le prince et l'artiste / sous la direction de Jean-Marc Chatelain et Gennaro Toscano.
[Paris] : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2024.
Classmark: CB361 .I58
- Migrants : art, artists, materials and ideas crossing borders / edited by Lucy Wrapson.
Cambridge : Archetype Publications in association with the Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge, 2019
Classmark: q N72.S6 M54
- Ben Uri : 100 years in London : art identity migration / edited by Rachel Dickson and Sarah MacDougall.
London : Ben Uri Gallery, 2015.
Classmark: N1165.B46 B46
- Out of chaos : Ben Uri : 100 years in London / edited by Rachel Dickson and Sarah MacDougall.
London : Ben Uri, 2015.
Classmark: N1165.B46 O98
- Chasing beauty : the life of Isabella Stewart Gardner / Natalie Dykstra.
New York : Mariner Books, 2024.
Classmark: N5220.G26 D95
- The Sassoons / Esther da Costa Meyer.
New York : Jewish Museum, 2023.
Classmark: N5247.S37 M49
- How do images work? : strategies of visual communication in medieval art : proceedings from a conference in honour of Michael Viktor Schwarz / Christine Beier editor
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2021.
Classmark: N5961 .H69
- Degas en noir et blanc : dessins, estampes, photographies.
Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2023.
Classmark: N6853.D33 A4
- Théodore Rousseau : la voix de la forêt / sous la direction de Servane Dargnies-de Vitry.
Paris : Paris Musées, 2024.
Classmark: N6853.R684 A4
- The fate of early Italian art during World War II : protection, rescue, restoration / Cathleen Hoeniger ; with Geoffrey
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2024.
Classmark: N6918 .H64
- Guercino : l'era Ludovisi a Roma / a cura di Raffaella Morselli.
Naples : Arte'm, 2024.
Classmark: q N6923.B283
- Giovanni Stradano : le più strane e belle invenzioni del mondo / a cura di Alessandra Baroni.
[Florence] : Edizioni Polistampa, 2023.
Classmark: q N6973.S77 A4
- The great Mughals : art, architecture and opulence / edited by Susan Stronge.
London : V&A Publishing, 2024.
Classmark: q N7302.G74
- Hidden faces : covered portraits of the Renaissance / edited by Alison Manges Nogueira.
New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2024.
Classmark: N7592.2.H53
- Exile and migration in regional collections. By Smith, Camilla.
Birmingham : University of Birmingham, 2023.
Classmark: N8217.E52 E95
- Face au soleil : un astre dans les arts / Marianne Mathieu, Michael Philipp.
Vanves : Hazan, 2022.
Classmark: q N8251.N6 F33
- Rebirth of a collection : the plaster casts of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest in the renewed Star Fortress in Komárom / editor: Miriam Szőcs.
Budapest : Museum of Fine Arts, 2021.
Classmark: NB27.H9 B837
- Exhibiting Antonio Canova : display and the transformation of sculptural theory / Christina Ferando.
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
Classmark: NB623.C26 F46 N
- Die Bronzen des Massimiliano Soldani Benzi (1656-1740) : Repräsentationsstrategien des europäischen Adels um 1700 / Carina A.E. Weißmann.
Berlin : De Gruyter, 2022.
Classmark: NB623.S65 W45
Drawing. Design. Illustration
- Dürer to van Dyck : drawings from Chatsworth House / Charles Noble.
Edinburgh : National Galleries of Scotland, 2024.
Classmark: q NC225.N6
- Promenades de papier : dessins du XVIIIe siècle des collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France / sous la direction d'Esther Bell.
Paris : Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2023.
Classmark: NC246 .P759
- Venice in blue : the use of carta azzurra in the artist's studio and in the printer's workshop, ca. 1500-1550 / edited by Alexa McCarthy .
Firenze : Leo S. Olschki, 2024.
Classmark: NC847 .V46
- Frank Auerbach : portraits of London / Francis Outred, Offer Waterman.
London : Offer Waterman, 2024.
Classmark: ND497.A86 A4
- Dora Carrington : beyond Bloomsbury / Anne Chisholm.
Chichester, West Sussex : Pallant House Gallery, 2024.
Classmark: ND497.C375 A4
- Marie-Louise von Motesiczky, 1906-1996 : the painter = die Malerin / edited by Jeremy Adler
Munich ; New York : Prestel, 2006.
Classmark: ND511.5.M68 A4
- Cézanne : Aufbruch in die Moderne / herausgegeben von Felix A. Baumann.
Essen [Germany] : Museum Folkwang, 2004.
Classmark: ND553.C4 A4
- Maurice Denis : les chemins de la nature / Claire Denis.
[Rennes] : Éditions Ouest-France, 2023.
Classmark: ND553.D365 A4
- Édouard Vuillard, the Nabis, and the politics of domesticity / Francesca Berry.
London Bloomsbury Visual Arts 2025.
Classmark: ND553.V9 B46
- Botticelli and Renaissance Florence : masterworks from the Uffizi / edited by Cecilia Frosinini.
Minneapolis, MN : Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2022.
Classmark: q ND623.B7 A4
- Bernardino Poccetti and the art of religious painting at the end of the Florentine Renaissance / Douglas N. Dow.
Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
Classmark: ND623.P699 D69
- Guido Reni alla Galleria Borghese : dopo la mostra gli studi / a cura di Francesca Cappelletti.
Genova : Sagep editori, 2022.
Classmark: ND623.R6 G85
- Veronese / Renzo Villa.
Cinisello Balsamo, Milano : Silvana Editoriale, 2023.
Classmark: f ND623.V5 V47
- Hieronymus Bosch & the other Renaissance / Bernard Aikema.
New York, NY : Cernunnos, 2024.
Classmark: f ND653.B65 A4
- Painters and sitters in early seventeenth-century Rome : portraits of the soul / Esther Theiler.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2023.
Classmark: ND1313.3 .T44
Decorative arts
- The wider Goldsmiths' trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London / David M. Mitchell.
[Place of publication not identified] : Ad Ilissvm, 2024.
Classmark: NK7144.L66 M48
- Designer's trade: autobiography of Gordon Russell.
London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1968.
Classmark: TS140.R8 A3
Arts in general
- Bilder einer Metropole : die Impressionisten in Paris : Museum Folkwang / Hartwig Fischer
Göttingen : Edition Folkwang/Steidl, 2010.
Classmark: NX549.P2 B55
- Gardening Bohemia : Bloomsbury women outdoors / Claudia Tobin.
London : Garden Museum, 2024
Classmark: NX650.G37 .T63
January 2025
Economic and social history
- Medieval money, merchants, and morality / Diane Wolfthal
New York : The Morgan Library & Museum, 2023.
Classmark: HG243 .W65
Arts in Birmingham
- Royal Birmingham Society of Artists : a brief history.
Birmingham, [England] : Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, RBSA Gallery, 2024.
Classmark: p N12 .R69
- Women artists of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, 1884-2012 : exhibition catalogue / author, Brendan Flynn
Birmingham : Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, RBSA Gallery, 2022.
Classmark: p N5056.B5 F59
Visual arts
- National treasures : saving the nation's art in World War II / Caroline Shenton.
London : John Murray, 2022.
Classmark: D810.A7 S54
- Gothic Modern : from Edvard Munch to Käthe Kollwitz / editors in chief, Juliet Simpson, Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff.
Helsinki : Ateneum, Finnish National Gallery, 2024.
Classmark: N6447 .G68
- George Bellows : American life in print / Kristin L. Spangenberg.
Lewes, UK : Giles, 2024.
Classmark: N6537.B45 A4
- Ingenious Italians : immigrant artists in eighteenth-century Britain / Katherine Jean McHale.
London : Harvey Miller, 2024.
Classmark: q N6766 .M34
- Victorian radicals : from the Pre-Raphaelites to the arts & crafts movement / Martin Ellis, Victoria Osborne, Tim Barringer.
New York : Munich : American Federation of Arts, 2018.
Classmark: N6767.5.P7 B575
- Electric dreams : art and technology before the internet / edited by Val Ravaglia ; with contributions by Sarah Cook
London : Tate Publishing, 2024.
Classmark: N7433.8 .E44
- The Brummer Galleries, Paris and New York : defining taste from antiquities to the avant-garde / edited by Yaëlle Biro
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2023.
Classmark: N8660.B75 B78
- Berthe Weill : art dealer of the Parisian avant-garde / editors, Helen Adedotun and Mélanie Puchault.
Paris : Flammarion, 2024.
Classmark: N8660.W38 B47
- Architecture in Britain and Ireland, 1530-1830 / Steven Brindle.
London : Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2023.
Classmark: q NA961 .B75
- The Villa Barbaro at Maser : science, philosophy, and the family in Venetian Renaissance art / Denis Ribouillault.
London : Harvey Miller Publishers, 2023.
Classmark: NA7595.B3 R53
- The beauty of bronze / Jeremy Warren.
Oxford : Ashmolean Museum, 2024
Classmark: NB1230 .W37
Drawing. Design. Illustration
- Paper and light : luminous drawings / Julian Brooks and Michelle Sullivan.
Los Angeles : J. Paul Getty Museum, 2024.
Classmark: NC755 .B76
- Amy Sherald - American sublime / edited by Sarah Roberts.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2024.
Classmark: q ND237.S5 A4 N
- Winifred Nicholson, music of colour.
Cambridge, United Kingdom : Kettle's Yard, University of Cambridge, 2012.
Classmark: ND497.N62 A4
- Klimt landscapes / edited by Janis Staggs
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, 2024.
Classmark: q ND511.5.K55 A4
- Fleeting : scents in colour / Ariane van Suchtelen and Lizzie Marx
Zwolle : Waanders Publishers, 2021.
Classmark: q ND646 .S83
- Travelling with Vincent : Van Gogh in Drenthe / Annemiek Rens
Assen : Zwolle : Drents Museum, 2023.
Classmark: ND653.G7 A4
- Jan Massys (c. 1510-1573) : Renaissance painter of Flemish female beauty / Maria Clelia Galassi.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, 2023.
Classmark: q ND673.M427 G35
- Rubens : The Holy Trinity and the life of the Virgin / the Holy Trinity, the life of the Virgin, Madonnas, and the Holy Family/by Fiona Healy. Volumes 1 and 2.
London : Harvey Miller Publishers, 2024.
Classmark: ND673.R9 C63
- British portrait miniatures from the Thomson Collection / Susan Sloman.
[London] : Ad Ilissvm, 2024.
Classmark: ND1337.G7 S56
- Creator of nightmares : Henry Fuseli's art and life / Christopher Baker.
London, UK : Reaktion Books, 2024.
Classmark: ND853.F87 B35
Print media
- Careers by design : Hendrick Goltzius, Peter Paul Rubens / edited by Nina Schleif
München : Hirmer, 2024.
Classmark: q NE663 .C37
December 2024
- The directory of grant making trusts 2024/25.
London : Directory of Social Change, 2023.
Classmark: AS940 .T47
- The complete fundraising handbook.
London : Directory of Social Change, 2019.
Classmark: HV41.9.G7 H47
- The guide to major trusts 2025/26.
London : Directory of Social Change, 2024.
Classmark: q HV41.9.G7 P46
Visual arts
- Musées d'Orléans : peintures françaises et italiennes XVe - XVIIe siècles / sous la direction de Corentin Dury.
Gand : Éditions Snoeck, 2023.
Classmark: q N2144.O74 A63
- Roy Lichtenstein / edited by Gunhild Bauer and Klaus Albrecht Schröder.
Vienna : Munich : Albertina ; 2024.
Classmark: q N6537.L5 A4
- Nordic art & way of life : art world, artists, themes / edited by Susanna Pettersson & Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff.
Brussels : Mercatorfonds, 2024.
Classmark: N7007.N673
- The Chiesa del Redentore / Wladimir Timofiewitsch.
University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press, 1971.
Classmark: q NA1123.P2 C63
- Oil paint and grease paint : autobiography of Laura Knight.
New York : Macmillan Co., 1936.
Classmark: N6797.K63 A2
- Laura Knight in the Malverns / Heather Whatley.
Malvern, Worcestershire : Aspect Design, 2020.
Classmark: N6797.K63 W43
- Mark Rothko : paintings on paper / Adam Greenhalgh.
Washington : New Haven : National Gallery of Art ; 2023.
Classmark: ND237.R725 A4
- Wilhelmina Barns-Graham : the glaciers / edited by Rob Airey.
London : Lund Humphries, 2024.
Classmark: ND497.B256 A4
- Brilliant destiny : the age of Augustus John / David Boyd Haycock.
London, UK : Lund Humphries, 2023.
Classmark: ND497.J6 H39
- Bonnard / Isabelle Cahn.
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, 2024.
Classmark: f ND553.B66 C34
- Caspar David Friedrich : art for a new age / edited by Markus Bertsch.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2024.
Classmark: ND588.F75 A4
- Paula Modersohn-Becker : Ich bin ich = I am me / edited by Jay A. Clarke and Jill Lloyd.
Munich : Prestel, 2024.
Classmark: q ND588.M58 A4
- Carlo Crivelli : shadows on the sky / edited by Amanda Hilliam and Jonathan Watkins.
Birmingham : Ikon ; 2022.
Classmark: ND623.C9 A4
- Gesina ter Borch / Adam Eaker.
London, UK : Lund Humphries, 2024.
Classmark: ND653.B654 E25
- Dieric Bouts : creator of images / edited by Peter Carpreau
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, 2023.
Classmark: q ND653.B68 A4
- Van Gogh : poets & lovers / Cornelia Homburg with Christopher Riopelle.
London National Gallery Company Ltd 2024.
Classmark: ND653.G7 H6
- Van Gogh and the Avant-Garde : along the Seine / edited by Bregje Gerritse and Jacquelyn N. Coutre.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2023.
Classmark: ND653.G7 V3535
- The touch of Pygmalion : Rubens and sculpture in Rome / edited by Francesca Cappelletti and Lucia Simonato.
Milano : Electa, 2023.Classmark: ND673.R9 A4
- Rubens : The Medici series I & II. (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard part 14, 1.) / Nils Büttner.
London ; Turnhout : Harvey Miller Publishers, 2023.
Classmark: ND673.R9 .B88
- The art of the Chinese picture-scroll / Shane McCausland.
London, UK : Reaktion Books, 2023.
Classmark: ND1040.M33
- A circumpolar landscape : art and environment in Scandinavia and North America, 1890-1930 / Isabelle Gapp.
London : Lund Humphries, 2024.
Classmark: ND1352.C3 G37
- Mist and fog in British and European painting : Fuseli, Friedrich, Turner, Monet and their contemporaries / Evan R. Firestone.
London : Lund Humphries, 2023.
Classmark: ND1460.W43 F57
Decorative arts
- The story of furniture / Gordon Russell & Jacques Groag.
Broadway, Worcestershire : The Gordon Russell Trust, 2008.
Classmark: NK2270.R87
Arts in general
- Philanthropy in the arts : a game of give and take / Leslie Ramos.
London : Lund Humphries, 2023.
Classmark: NX700.R36
November 2024
- Paris 1924 : sport, art and the body / edited by Caroline Vout and Christopher Young.
London : Paul Holberton Publishing, 2024.
Classmark: GV722 1924 .P37
- Islam in Europe / catalogue by Diana Luber.
London : Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd, 2023.
Classmark: q N6264.G7 L83
- William Kent's ceiling paintings at Houghton Hall / John Laycock.
King's Lynn, Norfolk : The Houghton Arts Foundation, 2022.
Classmark: q N6797.K4 W55
- Vertigo of color : Matisse, Derain, and the origins of Fauvism / Dita Amory and Ann
New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2023.
Classmark: N6848.5.F3 A46
- Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael : Florence, c.1504 / Scott Nethersole, Per Rumberg.
London : Royal Academy of Arts, 2025.
Classmark: N6921.F7 N48
- Women pioneers of the Arts and Crafts Movement / edited by Karen Livingstone.
London : Thames and Hudson, 2024.
Classmark: N8354 .W6
- Cassatt-McNicoll : impressionists between worlds / edited by Caroline Shields.
Toronto, Ontario : Art Gallery of Ontario, 2023.
Classmark: ND237.C3 A4
- Imagining sculpture : a short conjectural history / Stanley Abe.
Munich, Germany : Hirmer Verlag, 2022
Classmark: NB60 .A24
- Frank Auerbach : the charcoal heads / Barnaby Wright.
London : Paul Holberton Publishing, 2024.
Classmark: NC242.A93 A4
- Botticelli drawings / edited by Furio Rinaldi.
San Francisco, CA : Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2023.
Classmark: NC257.B68 A4
- Bruegel to Rubens : great Flemish drawings / An Van Camp.
Oxford : Ashmolean Museum, 2024.
Classmark: NC264 .C36
- Abstract visions of colour : Mary Gartside c.1755-1819 : a woman theorist in Georgian England / Alexandra Loske.
London : Thomas Heneage Art Books, 2024.
Classmark: ND467 .A27
- Francis Bacon : human presence / [edited by] Rosie Broadley.
London : National Portrait Gallery, 2024.
Classmark: ND497.B16 A4
- Manet, Degas / Stephan Wolohojian and Ashley Dunn.
New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2023.
Classmark: q ND553 .A4
- Sofonisba Anguissola / Cecilia Gamberini.
Los Angeles : Getty Publications, 2024.
Classmark: ND623.A5395 G36