AI and the future of our health

The Exchange: 3 Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2DR
Event cost
Free, booking essential
Wednesday 4 September 2024 (18:00-20:00)
Doctors consult a chart with pens and a laptop.

How do scientists use our data to learn more about human health and improve patient experiences and outcomes?

Artificial intelligence has enabled huge advances in healthcare and has the potential to revolutionise the sector.

AI programmes can analyse large volumes of health data to support treatment decisions, assist with hospital flow and planning, and enhance prescribing and diagnostic accuracy. Join a panel of University of Birmingham academics and professionals from the health and community sectors as they discuss the potential of AI in healthcare. They’ll consider the significance of studying diverse populations for a better understanding of diseases and the importance of shared data access in advancing research and improving care for everyone. 

This event is presented as part of AI Futures at The Exchange. Running February to November 2024, the programme explores the brave new world of artificial intelligence through the lens of University of Birmingham research.