AI FUTURES: Botbuilders!

The Exchange: 3 Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2DR
Event cost
Free, drop-in
Tuesday 13 February (11:00) - Wednesday 14 February 2024 (15:00)
BotBuilders (iStock) resized

Join us for a fun adventure into the world of robots! Use old materials to design, create, and bring your very own robot to life with the help of artist and performer, Tat Vision.

Imagine if your robot masterpiece could be a really useful helper. Robots use AI (like a super-smart brain) to do all sorts of important jobs, from making things in factories to helping doctors in hospitals, and even doing chores at home. Our academics are excited to hear your ideas: What jobs could robots do that would make our lives better? Don’t miss out—come and build the future with us!

BotBuilders! is a free family event running Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 February. Drop-in any time between 11:00 and 15:00 to build your robot. Suitable for children of all ages.

We'll provide basic materials but please feel free to bring along your own clean and safe recycled materials, such as cardboard boxes, plastic containers, tetra Pak packaging, plastic bottles, and bottle tops. Please do not bring egg boxes, toilet roll tubes or any packaging that has previously contained nuts. 

This event is presented as part of AI Futures (Feb - Nov 2024), a programme of exhibitions and events exploring the brave new world of artificial intelligence, through the lens of University of Birmingham research.