A day in the life: Blood cancer research

University of Birmingham
Wednesday 26 March 2025 (13:00-15:00)

This masterclass will cover a day in the life of a blood cancer research scientist, and how we use different scientific techniques to find more advanced ways of treating blood cancer with immunotherapies.

Learn how specific types of blood cancer evolve, and what goes wrong in the human body when cancer begins and grows. Most importantly, you'll discover how we can treat it and how we produce new and exciting methods for doing this.

Rachel Colton is a Senior Research Technician at the Clinical Immunology Service who graduated with an MSci in Biomedical Science from the University of Birmingham in 2024. Rachel will talk about her degree and how it helps her in her job. There will be lots of opportunity for questions.

Who can attend this masterclass?

This event is open to all Year 11-13 students. We recommend that you are studying at least one science based subject and have an interest in a career in STEM to attend this masterclass. Explore the rest of our masterclasses for more fun learning opportunities.

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Questions? Email the team masterclass@contacts.bham.ac.uk.