HS2 or what? Transport choices and West Midlands regeneration

Barber Concert Hall, The Barber Institute of Fine Arts
Friday 8 November 2013 (16:00-17:30)

Tel: 0121 414 5908

Email: s.myring@bham.ac.uk


HS2 has been presented purely as a transport proposal, resulting in a discourse that is polarised between NIMBYism and boosterism. This debate aims to shift the focus away from transport and city development to regional regeneration which is now the declared purpose of the HS2 project. The distinguished geographer and planner Professor Sir Peter Hall will deliver a keynote address drawing on his long engagement with transport in urban development. Sir Peter will set some specific challenges for the West Midlands for a regional panel of interests and experts to respond before a wider discussion with the audience. The debate will begin promptly at 4.00pm and run until 5.30pm, followed by a drinks reception. 
