Britain's Public Finances: Past, Present, and Future

Vaughn Jeffrey’s Lecture Theatre School of Education Building R.19
Thursday 15 December 2011 (17:00-19:00)

Contact: Amanda Wilman


The Royal Economic Society Public Lecture 2011
Presented by Robert Chote: Chair, Office of Budget Responsibility

In the summer of 1694 “ Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate” were invited to subscribe £1.2 million to the newly created Bank of England, so that it could then be lent to the Government to finance the war against France. British Governments have been long-term borrowers ever since and the way they manage their finances has remained a matter of intense political interest.

In his lecture Robert Chote will examine the past, present and future state of Britain’s public finances, at a time when national fiscal management is under intense scrutiny right around the world.

Cost: Entry by free ticket only. Please apply with number of tickets required and address to or fax the application form found on the Royal Economic Society webpage.