Chocolate and the Quaker capitalists: Britain's lost heritage

Birmingham Business School (G12), O3 on Edgbaston Campus Map, University of Birmingham
Thursday 17 January 2013 (17:30-19:00)

Deborah Cadbury – author of Chocolate Wars

Introduced by Professor Edward Peck – Pro-Vice Chancellor

At the height of the industrial revolution there were 74 Quaker banks in Britain, one for every large city, including Lloyd’s of Birmingham and Barclays of London. 200 Quaker companies shaped Britain’s industrial progress: Clark, and K in shoes, Cadbury, Fry and Rowntree in chocolate, Huntley and Palmer in biscuits, and many other household names. Guided by centuries of religious thinking, the Quaker capitalists forged a new path through our industrial landscape, pioneered social reforms and transformed our business culture.

This talk examines the far reaching impact of Quaker capitalism with particular reference to the transformation of Cadbury in the mid-19th century from a loss making firm to the largest confectionary company in the world.  The guiding principles and their impact on society will be explored.  Finally it will be asked what can be learned from this remarkable business heritage today and can Quaker principles be translated into our current economy?

To attend please complete our online registration form

This event is part of GRAB – the Great Read at Birmingham initiative – which this year centres around Deborah Cadbury’s book Chocolate Wars which charts the history of Cadbury and its competitors from the 19th Century through to the Kraft take-over of Cadbury in 2010.   

You may wish to attend the accompanying event taking place later in January: The Kraft – Cadbury Takeover: Does National Ownership Matter?