Post Concert Talk | Eyesight Alone? with Dr John Fagg

The Barber Institute of Fine Arts
Friday 22 November 2024 (14:30-15:00)
JF Post concert talk_contensis thumb

Can – and should – our encounters with visual art be purely visual? The exhibition Scent and the Art of the Pre-Raphaelites encourages us to both look and smell, and it is not uncommon to refer to a painting as tactile, or to invoke sound when describing colour as harmonious or clashing.

But the Pre-Raphaelites might also be located in a story about modern art, which claims that — to be true to its flat, visual medium — painting should be a matter of eyesight alone. Or, on a slightly different account, that reading makes sight the privileged sense in the modern sensorium, and so an art of modernity is ocularcentric, as in impressionism’s insistent emphasis on visual experience. This talk will use works from the Barber collection to think critically about these stories and where scented Victorian paintings fit within them.

Dr John Fagg is a Senior Lecturer in American Literature and Culture here at the University of Birmingham. His research, including his recent book, Re-envisioning the Everyday: American Genre Scenes, 1905-1945, focuses on early-twentieth-century American art and literature and the way cultural forms respond to the changing conditions of modern life. He communicates his research to wider audiences through exhibition catalogue essays, on artists including Ben Shahn and Doris Lee, and through curatorial work, including exhibitions on George Bellows and John Sloan at the Barber.

Friday 22 November, 2.30 – 3pm
Barber Institute Galleries

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The main entrance to the Barber is accessed by 13 shallow steps, the galleries by a further 31 shallow steps. Level access is available. Please let your team know if you require this by calling 0121 414 7333 or emailing before your visit.