Computer Engineering BSc (Dubai)

Start date
3 years
Course Type
Undergraduate, Single Honours

2024 Entry:
Tuition fee is AED 132,778 per year of study and can be paid in instalments.
Scholarships are available.

Computer Engineers are equipped with the hardware and software engineering skills required to develop the computer systems needed in the modern world. It ranges from mainframes for banking systems, through satellites and autonomous vehicles to the integration of household devices into smart homes.

Subject to Ministry of Education Accreditation

Computer Engineering technologies and their real-life applications continue to evolve at lightning speed. Our Computer Engineering BSc degree is designed to ensure that you play a leading role in inventing, designing and managing such technological systems. The modules in our Programme give you a firm grounding in core hardware and software focussed topics in each year and you will choose optional modules to enhance your capabilities in your final year.

At the University of Birmingham we recognise that successful 21st Century engineers will thrive alongside professionals with wide-ranging expertise. Our flagship Integrated Design Project modules run throughout Years 1 to 3 of your degree in which you will work alongside other Engineers to develop designs for technologies with impact in the world.

Birmingham graduates are highly sought after by leading industry players, and the range of job opportunities available to you are endless. You will be the subject expert on a major project during your degree, in which you will apply creative, technical, analytical and decision-making skills. You will gain vital employability skills that will give you a competitive edge in application forms, interviews and assessment tests for graduate jobs.

Why study Computer Engineering BSc at Birmingham Dubai?

  • Global reputation for educational excellence – The School of Engineering is a truly international place, and our world-leading academics specialise in areas relevant to modern-day issues. We offer the same first-class education as in our UK campus, by delivering the same high-quality curriculum and you will graduate with a degree from a global top 100 university.
  • Exceptional learning environment - We have a real sense of community, with staff that are approachable and nurturing, which provides a collaborative and supportive learning environment for students. There is an excellent student to teacher ratio and multiple channels of support are available to students, via both physical and digital means.
  • Class sizes - You will be part of small-group teaching. This enables you to receive a more personalised educational experience.
  • State-of-the-art engineering labs - You will use our brand-new, purpose-built engineering labs that are fitted out with a range of advanced equipment on our fantastic new campus.
  • Research-led teaching - Our research feeds directly into your teaching ensuring your programme includes the latest developments in mechanical engineering.
  • Industry connections - We have strong industrial links with many large corporations such as Siemens, RTA Dubai, Atkins and Mercedes, which open various beneficial opportunities to our students, including, career fairs, industrial guest lectures and potential placements or work experience options.
  • Scholarship opportunities - As a University of Birmingham Dubai student, a range of scholarship awards will be open to you.
  • Design Projects - You will have the opportunity to take part in design projects in a multidisciplinary and collaborative environment.


All modules listed are compulsory

Year one

Like all UAE Ministry of Education Higher Education Institutions, we also run the below listed compulsory modules. These modules are designed to support talented graduates in the region, with the skills to aid and further employability. 

  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Sustainability (EIS)
  • Arabic Language 1
Please note these modules must be completed and passed, in addition to your core programme modules, during the course of your degree. Find out more about EIS and Arabic modules.

Year two

Year three

Core modules

Optional modules

Select 40 credits of options. Examples of optional modules listed below:

Please note: The modules listed on the website for this programme are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date and informed by the latest research and teaching methods. Unless indicated otherwise, the modules listed for this programme are for students starting in 2025. On rare occasions, we may need to make unexpected changes to core modules; in this event we will contact offer holders as soon as possible to inform or consult them as appropriate.



We charge an annual tuition fee which is set at AED 132,778 per year of study for 2024 entry.


We have a number of scholarships available.

How To Apply

To find out more information about our application process please visit our 'How to apply page' before starting your application.


If you do not meet the entry requirements for maths, you may be eligible to take our maths entry test. For a one to one consultation with our team about this opportunity please contact or +971 424 92300.


3 A Levels. Typical offer AAB - ABB including A level Mathematics.
You must also pass the practical element of any reformed science A Levels which include Biology, Chemistry and Physics taught from 2015. General studies not accepted.

International Baccalaureate Diploma

6,6,5 – 6,5,5 at Higher Level to include 6 in Mathematics with a minimum of 32 points overall.


Please view the Middle East section on the international country page for further information on entry requirements. 



  • AAB - 80% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 75% West Bengal or 85% Other State boards
  • ABB - 75% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra and West Bengal or 80% Other State boards

Mathematics must be taken with 85% ISC, CBSE, Maharashtra or 80% West Bengal or 90% Other State boards

Please view our India page for further information on entry requirements.


  • The University will consider students who have taken A Level examinations and/or the International Baccalaureate (IB). Requirements for each of these qualifications is listed above.

Please view our Pakistan page for further information on entry requirements. 

American System

Either a total of 3 distinct subject tests from APs and/or SAT subject tests or one year at a Community College or USA University.

English Language Requirements 

Please refer to the Undergraduate English language requirements page for information on English proficiency. 

Other entry requirements can be found on our international students pages.

Learning and teaching methods will take the form of lectures, classes, case study work, online assignments and quizzes, presentations and self-directed study.

Work will be assessed via exams, coursework, presentations and a dissertation.

To enrich the learning experience, our teaching is jointly delivered by staff in Dubai and the UK. Typically, each module’s preparation team consists of staff members across both campuses with at least the module leader based in the Dubai campus. You will receive the same high-quality teaching and learning resources (lecture notes, tutorial sheets, video resources, example lectures, logbooks, etc.) and rigorous assessments (projects, coursework, assignments, exams, etc) as your fellow students on the UK campus.

You will have the opportunity to conduct projects under the supervision of staff members from either campus. You can also work on projects that are collaboratively supervised by staff members in other Schools within the University and with industry-based engineers, which significantly increases the type of project topics available. You will also have the option to propose projects based on your interests during your final year project and in the coursework of some module.

A degree in Computer Engineering provides the skills required for a wide range of careers.  Our programme is designed to produce graduates who are organised, numerate, good at problem solving and have a wide range of professional skills to complement their technical abilities. These qualities, plus the prestige of a degree from a leading World Class University, make our graduates attractive  to companies in the engineering sector worldwide as well as those in finance, consultancy and commerce.

Examples of companies where School of Engineering graduates have gone on to work include Aston Martin, Atkins, BP, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar Land Rover, Exxon Mobil, Mercedes High Performance Engines and Laing O'Rourke.

Professional Accreditation

This course is seeking accreditation by the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education.