About University of Birmingham Enterprise

Birmingham is on an unrestricted search for ideas that will change lives and result in a thriving planet. Our research delivers new ways of seeing things, ingenious technologies, novel therapeutics, energy saving devices, and much more.

The work of the Enterprise team ensures these ideas are translated into products, services and enterprises that achieve local, regional, and global impact.

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    Our mission

    Our mission is to catalyse the adoption of innovations developed by, with or at the University of Birmingham and so create social, financial and reputational impact for University Intellectual Property, facilities and expertise.

    Our values are shared with the University. We are ambitious, innovative, open, collaborative and responsible.

Our portfolio

Our portfolio reflects the dynamism of Birmingham’s research environment, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem that surrounds it.

Our spin-outs and patents showcase the University’s strengths and inventiveness, and our Operating Divisions show the appetite our academics have to commercialise. And finally, we both work at and manage Birmingham Research Park, whose laboratories, offices, and incubators are home to over 50 companies that are innovating in life sciences, health technology, engineering and clean technology.

In 2022-23 alone we:

  • launched 8 new commercial enterprises
  • facilitated 172 academic consultancy contracts
  • filed 75 new patent applications
  • delivered training to over 160 researchers and 85 businesses
  • generated over £13m in value for the University and its academics

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    Contact us

    Email us with general enquiries and to find out more about how you can work with us. We would love to hear from you.

    Email the Enterprise team