Birmingham Alumni Network USA

With more than 2,500 alumni living in the US, the Birmingham Alumni Network USA was set up as a social group organising regional events for alumni. The network organises regular gatherings for alumni across the country, including an annual gathering every October. 

A montage of images of University alumni in various groups across the USA

Key Contacts

Your alumni committee

Dave Drinkwater (BSc Chemical Engineering 1987)

Chair - Birmingham Alumni Network USA; and Regional Advisor for New York
Email Dave

Brian Beeston (PhD Material Sciences, 1965)

Regional Advisor, California (San Diego)

James Stamp (BSc Biosciences, 1977;  MSc Plant Biology, 1978; PhD Plant Biology, 1984)

Regional Advisor, California (The Greater Bay Area)

Maria Velissariou (PhD Biochemical Engineering, 1992)

Regional Advisor, Chicago

Luke Hawkridge (LLB Law, 2009)

Alumni Representative to the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF)

Helen Carey, Senior Development Executive, Development and Alumni Relations Office

Email Helen or call +44 (0) 121 414 4001/ WhatsApp +44 (0) 7966 179425

Jenny Staite, International and Events Officer, Development and Alumni Relations Office

Email Jenny

News and Events

The network sends regular updates to alumni in the States. See the recent newsletters below.

Summer 2019 Old Joe USA newsletter

Summer 2018 Old Joe USA newsletter

To find out about upcoming events, check out the events calendar and like the Facebook page.

See photos from recent events on Flickr.

USA Alumni Ambassador Program

Our USA alumni ambassadors are volunteers based across the States, and are there to offer advice and guidance to students and alumni. Whether you're looking for careers advice in a specific industry, or are moving to a new area, take a look at our ambassadors to see how they can help.

Get Involved

US Alumni Ambassador Program

We are creating a new alumni ambassador role for volunteers who would like to actively participate in the alumni community and connect with the University. 

What would an Alumni Ambassador do?

The role could include:

  • Being the local contact for alumni in a particular city or area of the USA
  • Being the local contact for students who are leaving the US to start at Birmingham
  • Welcoming returning alumni and introducing them to the local alumni community
  • Liaising with visiting University staff and academics
  • Offering industry expertise to the wider alumni community
  • Assisting in coordinating an event in your city around the Global Alumni Gathering in May each year

We will provide as much support as possible to ensure the success of this new role. Since this is the first year of the program we will closely monitor its effectiveness for both the Ambassadors and the alumni group. We envision that each Ambassador's term will be for one year to be reviewed and renewed annually if so desired. Please let us know if you would like to hear more about the program.


Our alumni and friends who are based in the USA can give to the University of Birmingham through BSUF (British Schools and Universities Foundation), a 501(c)(3) charitable organisation that is recognised by the United States Internal Revenue Service.
Helen Carey, Head of Philanthropy – North America works with alumni and friends in North America who would like to give to support our students, research and initiatives. Please contact Helen to discuss the impact you would like your giving to have at Birmingham.