Contact Us

Please let us know if you have moved or changed your email address or other contact details. To change your details or for any other queries please contact us at:

Tel: +44 (0)121 414 4724

Get in touch by emailing the team  

Postal address:
Development and Alumni Relations Office
Birmingham Research Park
University of Birmingham
B15 2SQ

Alternatively, you can fill in the change of details form to advise us of any changes.

There are also plenty of ways that you can keep in touch with fellow alumni and the University through our official alumni social networking groups.  

Instagram-logoOur newest social media group is on Instagram, where there are already more than 1,000 alumni and supporters following our Instagram feed. Share your images with #wearebrumalum.

facebook logo miniKeep in touch with 15,000 alumni via University of Birmingham Alumni on Facebook. Join in the conversation on the latest University news, alumni benefits, and campus photos.

twitter logo@birminghamalum has nearly 6,000 followers from all over the world. Follow us to get news updates, take part in events via live tweeting and share your views on the latest University and alumni conversations.

LinkedIn logo smallCareers networking is the focus of our LinkedIn group, University of Birmingham Alumni and Friends, which has attracted more than 18,000 members so far. We also regularly post event information, job opportunities, and more.

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