a. You must pay your Accommodation Fees at the times and in the manner set out in the Online Contract, without deduction or set-off. If you have any concerns or complaints regarding the Accommodation you are NOT permitted to withhold Accommodation Fee payments. We would advise you to raise your concern immediately at the Village Reception. Each Residence has a dedicated Customer Service Manager who can be contacted should you feel your concern needs further investigation or escalation.
You can find out more about your Customer Service Manager at Contracts, Inventories and Facilities - University of Birmingham
You can also register your concern under the Student Accommodation Complaints Policy and Procedures. Further information is available online at https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/forms/has/accommodation-complaints-form.aspx
b. You must notify the Finance Office or Student Living Office immediately in writing by raising a ticket on the Student Living Helpdesk if you are in financial difficulties and unable to pay your Accommodation Fees on their due date outlining your difficulties and your proposals for payment.
c. A booking of accommodation is accepted by you on the understanding that a) you will remain a student at the University of Birmingham for the current academic year and b) you will remain living in the Bedroom for the full Accommodation Period. If you move out of the Bedroom before the end of the Accommodation Period, you will remain responsible for the Accommodation Fees for the entire Accommodation Period unless you find a student to replace you who is both acceptable to Student Living and is not already living in other University owned or managed, or partner accommodation.
Should you move out before the end of the Accommodation Period and wish the University to try to re-let it, then you should return your keys (or ask for your card access to be suspended in respect of the Accommodation) when you move out. The keys will be held to your order but can be returned to you (or your card access restored) upon production of your student ID card at any time up until the end of the Accommodation Period or the Accommodation being re-let.
Returning your keys (or requesting suspension of card access) does not cancel your existing contract and you will remain responsible for the Accommodation Fees for the entire Accommodation Period unless the Bedroom is successfully re-let.
Partial rebate of Accommodation Fees is only given where the University has agreed Early Release from the Accommodation Contract and are subject to one calendar month’s Accommodation Fee charges in Lieu.
Rebates will be made by the University at its discretion. In cases where the University decides to make a rebate, you will be required to pay a sum of money equal to one calendar month’s Accommodation Fees in lieu from the date Early Release is confirmed or from the date you check out of the Bedroom at your Village Reception, whichever is latest. You will be liable for an administration fee, cleaning costs and the cost of repairs of any damage caused to the Accommodation during your occupation in order to prepare the Accommodation for re-letting when you move out.
d. The absence of a signed contract does not materially affect the relationship between you and the University. A contract is formed by the making of a booking and the student accepting the booking. The act of accepting and signing for the keys (or the instance of the first access using your access key card) to the Accommodation and moving in to the Bedroom proves the existence of a contractual relationship and does not have to be evidenced by a signed contract. You will still be bound by the provisions of this Contract without signing it should you sign for keys (or use your access key card) and move in.
e. You will be issued with either keys or key card access to your Accommodation depending on which Residence your Contract is for. If access to your Accommodation is via use of keys, your keys will be distributed upon check in on your day of arrival. If your Accommodation is accessed through the use of key card, access will be granted on your University ID card from the day that your Contract starts. In the event that you need a temporary alternative to your University ID card, a temporary key card will be issued to you by the Village Reception. Temporary cards must be returned once you are able to use your University ID card again.
f. You must clear, clean, vacate, secure and check out of the Accommodation at your Village Reception by no later than 10.00 am on the day the Accommodation Period ends. If you do not, a sum of money equal to your Accommodation Fees will continue to be charged at the full rate until this has been done. You may also be charged for additional cleaning costs.
h. If at any point during your Accommodation Period you lose your keys, you must inform the Village Reception as soon as possible. You will be charged up to £150 for the cost of replacing the lock and/or keys. You are not permitted to make duplicates of your keys.
i. The University reserves the right to change the location of your room booking and in accepting these terms and conditions and confirming your booking, you agree that you will move when requested from one room to another on the same site or to another Residence by giving at least 4 days’ notice, where reasonably practicable.
If you are a student without a mobility disability occupying a mobility adapted room you should be aware that you will be expected to move out to a standard room on the same site or to another Residence whenever the University so requires, for a student with a mobility disability, giving you at least 4 days’ notice.
j. You are permitted to request a transfer to another room on the site or to another Residence, subject to availability. The transfer list usually opens for applications from mid-October. If you wish to transfer, the University will incur cleaning and administration costs which you will be liable for, but which will be capped and not exceed £50. If, at our discretion, we decide to offer you a transfer, the room will be held for you for a limited time of which you will be notified. If you have not accepted the transfer within this time, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer and withdraw your request to transfer.
You are not permitted to swap rooms with other students without the authorisation of Student Living and the signing of a new Accommodation contract. To swap rooms you must apply for a transfer through Student Living or your Customer Service Manager.
k. Please note that an application for / offer of Accommodation is not an application for / offer of admission to the University as a student or vice versa.
l. You will be required to vacate the Bedroom if you withdraw from your studies and cease to be a registered student OR in the event that you are formally excluded from the University for whatever reason OR in the event that you are granted a formal leave of absence from the University (upon receipt of the University’s notice to vacate) OR if you commit serious or persistent breaches of this Contract including Section D, the Student’s obligations (upon receipt of the University’s notice to vacate your Bedroom). In such cases you will be required to pay a sum of money equal to one calendar month’s Accommodation Fees in lieu of notice from the date are granted Early Release of your accommodation contract or from the date you check out of the Bedroom at your Village Reception, whichever is the later date.
In order to check out of your Bedroom you must return your keys to the Village Reception on the day you leave and notify Village Reception that you have vacated the Accommodation. You must remove all belongings from your Bedroom to check out and where relevant communal areas of the Accommodation; we cannot store any belongings after your check out date. Any belongings left are at your own risk and will be disposed of If you do not return your keys and notify Village Reception that you have vacated on the day you leave, you will be charged a daily rate for the Bedroom until the date that you return your keys and notify sites that you have vacated. If your Accommodation access is through your University ID card, you must inform Village Reception on the day that you vacate the Bedroom or you will be charged a daily rate for the Bedroom until you do so.
m. If you are in arrears with the payment of Accommodation Fees (or any other payment due and owing under this Contract) then the University reserves its rights to take both enforcement action for non-payment and also to issue a notice for you to vacate the Accommodation should it so decide necessary.
n. The Student confirms that the University is hereby authorised to release information confirming their Accommodation Fees payment history in relation to the Bedroom to third parties who specifically request a credit reference for that Student from Student Living in relation to future accommodation. History of late or non-payment of Accommodation Fees will be passed on. Please note that no comments will be made on any other matter without your written authority and as a matter of policy the University does not comment on the good character or otherwise of individuals.
o. The University shall not be liable in damages and you shall not have the right to terminate this Contract for any delay or default in performance of the obligations under this Contract if such delay or default is caused by reasons beyond the University’s control including, but not limited to, war, national emergency, terrorism, government restrictions, acts of god, industrial action, unforeseen closure of the University and/or unavailability of key personnel provided that the University gives you notice of the reasons for such delay or default and uses reasonable endeavours to confirm when the Contract is likely to resume.
p. The University reserves the right to withdraw any future offer of accommodation made to a student currently in accommodation, and to terminate any future contract of accommodation entered into between it and a student currently in accommodation, if the student fails to meet their contractual obligations set out in this Contract. This provision shall be a condition of any such offer or contract of accommodation.
Student Living Plus Accommodation Residents Only
a. “Student Living Plus Accommodation” means that your Accommodation Fees include both your Bedroom and catering provision. As a resident of a Student Living Plus Accommodation or designated Student Living Plus flat, you are provided with Accommodation and a weekly amount to spend on food and non-alcoholic beverages in the Accommodation and other University catering outlets. Full details of the Student Living Plus provision are laid out here.
b. If you are staying in Student Living Plus Accommodation, under the terms of your Contract, your Bedroom and catering are provided as a package, and it is not possible to separate your Student Living Plus from your Accommodation Fees (even if they are invoiced separately by the University). Consequently, you may not opt out of receiving, and paying for the catering provision unless, with our consent (and subject to availability) you also transfer to non--Student Living Plus designated Accommodation.
c. Meals can be taken in most of the University’s catering outlets, (see link above for further details).
d. The weekly Student Living Plus allowance is credited to your Student ID card. The value cannot be transferred to another student. Students may only use their own Student ID card to make purchases. As a security measure, till operators will check the identity of the card holder with each purchase.
e. Students living in self-catering Accommodation can choose to add on the Student Living Plus to their Accommodation package if they wish. Students requesting this will be required to sign a new accommodation contract to reflect the additional service and fees. Upon signing up for Student Living Plus you are committing yourself for the remainder of your accommodation contract, and Student Living Plus cannot be removed from your contract once it has been added.
f. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are availing themselves of the entirety of their Student Living Plus allowance on their cards. Any unspent Student Living Plus balance at the end of this contract will be lost. It is not possible to carry forward exchange or refund any unspent balances.
a. Only you may occupy your Bedroom, and children are not permitted to occupy, visit or stay in the Accommodation.
b. No more than the allocated number of persons should reside in the Bedroom, and the person occupying the Bedroom should be the named person specified on your Contract. In accommodation where occupation by more than one student is permitted by a Customer Service Manager, it is the duty of the main occupant to inform Student Living on the details of all occupants via the Student Living Helpdesk. Non-students are unable to occupy a room with a student.
c. You may accommodate a guest, who must be personally known to you, in the Bedroom for a maximum of two nights in a row on an occasional basis only and with the agreement of all members of your flat. You are not permitted to give your room key or key card to anyone else at any time, including those who you have to stay as a guest.
d. In the case of a national emergency such as in the Case of Covid-19, students in accommodation must comply with all applicable legislation and guidance set in place by Governmental departments, and all University legislation and guidance.
e. You must not use any vacant bedroom in your flat for any reason, including for storage. Vacant bedrooms must be locked at all times. If you realise a vacant bedroom's door is unlocked, please let your reception team know as soon as possible.
a. Within one week of check in, you will need to complete the inventory condition review which will be available online through the Accommodation Portal. Following this, in order to ensure your health and safety you should report any defects or repairs needing attention to the Village Reception as quickly as possible.
b. You must not authorise any contractors to do repairs without written permission from the Customer Service Manager or equivalent, or you may be held responsible for paying the bill. If additional damage is caused to the Accommodation due to failure to report defects and repairs promptly, additional charges may be incurred for which you might be held responsible. If you feel any defect or repair has not been responded to within a reasonable timescale, please contact your Customer Service Manager whose contact details can be found on our website: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/study/accommodation/Our-Services/Contracts-Inventories-and-Facilities.aspx
c. You must NOT keep bicycles or motorcycles in the Accommodation or common parts, or secured to street furniture within the Villages. Dedicated areas for bicycle storage are available at each Village. The University has the right to remove and subsequently dispose of any bicycle or motorcycle left in breach of this condition, and will not accept liability for damage to or loss or theft of such items. We have guidelines relating to Health and Safety at Health and Safety - University of Birmingham which are implemented for the general welfare of all our students.
d. You must not carry out any activity within your accommodation for which you must be registered with a Government agency to perform such as, but not limited to; tattooing, piercings & food service.
e. You are responsible for the behaviour and actions of guests you bring into or allow into the residence, including fire safety, health and safety and antisocial behaviour. Where a breach of contract occurs by your guest, you may face disciplinary action as stated in these terms and conditions up to and including being issued a Notice to Quit your accommodation.
a. You should familiarise yourself with the fire and safety procedures and the appropriate escape route in the event of a fire alarm in your Residence. You must abide by all fire and safety regulations, and co-operate with the Emergency Services (as well as Security Services and other University personnel).
b. You must NOT interfere with any fire or safety appliances. You must NOT prop open, or interfere with, fire doors. You must not attach any device or accessory, such as an over door hook or poster, to any fire door that will compromise its efficiency. Fire doors are our primary method of preventing the spread of fire within the building, to ensure safe egress for all.
You must not block or impede any fire exit, or exit route from any building (including hallways and stairwells) with your belongings. Interference with, or misuse of, firefighting equipment or alarm systems is a criminal offence and will be treated as such by the University.
c. You should never cook or use kitchen appliances, including kettles, in the Bedrooms of the Accommodation due to the fire risk.
d. The Accommodation is Smoke Free and designated as No Smoking (including electronic cigarettes). You or your guests must NOT smoke anywhere within the Accommodation or in the common parts of the Residence.
e. Smoking is not permitted inside or within 10 metres of any Residence building. This includes outside stairwells, parking areas and passageways. For more information on where you are allowed to smoke, please contact your Village reception. If your bedroom or any area of the Residence requires additional cleaning to remove damage caused by smoking then you will be liable for the University’s additional cleaning and administration costs.
f. You are NOT permitted to use or bring into the Accommodation any inflammables, candles, incense sticks, fireworks, bottled gas (for any purpose), any apparatus using halogen bulbs or halogen heaters, or chip pans, since these pose a serious fire risk not only to yourself but also to others. The University (acting reasonably and in the interests of fire safety) reserves the right to remove any such items into safe keeping which you can reclaim from the Village Reception when you move out of your Accommodation.
g. If any fire extinguisher is discharged or otherwise tampered with, or any fire blanket is removed from its protective case without proper cause by you or your visitors, you will be liable to pay the cost of refilling the fire extinguisher and/or replacing the fire blanket plus an administrative charge not to exceed £50.00.
h. If any fire alarm, or other break glass units e.g. interconnecting hallway doors into other flats, is activated without proper cause by you or your visitors you will be liable to pay the administration charge for a safety check not to exceed £50.00. If fire/smoke/heat detectors are tampered with you will be liable to pay the administration charge for a safety check not to exceed £50.00.
i. Serious or persistent breaches of fire safety rules by either you, your guests or any subsequent authorised or unauthorised guests, may result in you being served with a Notice to Quit and the University terminating your Contract.
j. If you use any of the firefighting equipment in your accommodation, or it is damaged in any way, you must immediately inform your Village reception.
The above does not preclude any other action that the Fire Authority or the University may decide to take.
a. You are responsible for your own electrical appliances which you use in the Accommodation. You must ensure they are made to British Standard, are wired correctly and are in safe, working order. You are responsible for replacing fuses with the correct type in your own electrical appliances. You should not use any electrical appliances from overseas as these may operate at a different voltage and frequency. Electrical sockets must not be overloaded and you should not plug adaptors into other adaptors. It is recommended that electrical sockets are switched off when not in use. Seek advice from Accommodation staff if you are unsure. You can also get general electrical advice, including a Socket Overload Calculator, from the Electrical Safety Council https://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/guidance/safety-around-the-home/overloading-sockets/.
b. It is your responsibility to ensure any electrical appliances which are older than 48 months are PAT tested successfully before attempting to connect them to the University’s power supply.
The University reserves the right to remove any unsafe or faulty electrical appliances found in your Accommodation. Students can reclaim these from the Village Reception when they move out of the Accommodation. If you have concerns about any electrical item being used in your Accommodation please contact the Village Reception.
c. If you are living in Accommodation with its own gas central heating boiler, you must report any defect in its performance to the Customer Service Manager immediately. You will have a carbon monoxide detector in your kitchen. You should press the test button on this alarm monthly and report any problem or alarm activation to the Vale reception team immediately.
If you suspect a gas leak, turn off the main gas tap to the flat and ring Cadent immediately (Telephone: 0800 111 999). Once you have called National Grid you must notify the Village Reception immediately.
d. You must not use the electricity or gas supply in your Accommodation for any purposes external to your Accommodation (for example, to charge a vehicle, including an E-scooter).
e. You must not bring hired E-scooters or E-bikes into internal areas of an accommodation building. Personal E-Scooters, E-bikes or their detachable batteries must not be charged in your Bedroom or anywhere in an Accommodation building.
Personal possessions insurance cover is provided within your Accommodation Fees. You are required to familiarise yourself with the cover provided by the insurer (as set out in their documentation supplied to you) and to arrange for additional cover, where required, yourself. Please note that cover is only provided for the Accommodation Period. The University of Birmingham shares your details with Endsleigh for the purpose of providing you with contents insurance. Full details of this can be found by visiting www.endsleigh.co.uk/student/confirm-your-student-cover. Further information on the cover provided is also available on our website Contracts, inventories and facilities - University of Birmingham.
a. The University will not be liable for injury or the loss of, or damage, to any personal property in University Accommodation or Residences except in cases of negligence on its part.
b. If your personal belongings and property, including bicycles, cars, clothing, furniture, foodstuffs, books and University coursework are not removed from the Accommodation or grounds, by the end of the Accommodation Period they will be removed and subsequently disposed of without liability on the part of the University.
c. You must not allow access to your Residence building or Accommodation to any person unless they are your authorised guests. You must provide your Student ID upon request from a member of staff. You must not tamper with any security equipment within the Residences, including temporarily preventing access doors from closing or locking.
d. The use of any recording equipment, including but not limited to Ring doorbell or similar devices, is strictly prohibited in the communal areas of the flat. Communal areas encompass hallways, entrances, shared living spaces, and common areas. Additionally, unlawful recording of any member of staff within any part of the premises is strictly prohibited.
e. The University has installed close circuit television (CCTV) on some Residences where images are recorded continuously for security purposes. You must not tamper with this apparatus. All CCTV footage, and footage captured by bodycam technology used by authorised personnel within the University, is processed in accordance with the University’s data protection policy.
f. Under the provisions of the Data Protection Law, if you wish to see an image(s) of yourself or any personal information regarding yourself you need to submit a “subject access request” in writing to the University’s Information Compliance Manager in Legal Services who will investigate whether the image(s) is still in existence and whether to release the image(s) or the personal information. Further information is available at www.birmingham.ac.uk/privacy/
a. You must not use or install any cooking, heating, washing, drying or refrigeration appliances in the Accommodation which have not been supplied by the University, unless permitted to do so in writing by the University.
b. You must keep your Accommodation and Bedroom clean and tidy and this includes any en- suite facilities provided.
c. You must ensure that all refuse is safely disposed of on a daily basis and not left to accumulate in the Accommodation. All rubbish and kitchen waste must be put into sealed bags and placed in the containers provided for refuse disposal and placed in the dedicated refuse area. If refuse is not disposed of correctly, for example, left in a stairwell, you will be liable for the University’s additional cleaning and administration costs, but which will be capped and not exceed £50.
e. All glass, bottles, plastic, paper and recyclable materials should be taken by you and placed in the designated recycling points regularly and not left to accumulate in the Accommodation. If items of this nature are not disposed of correctly, you will be liable for the University’s additional cleaning and administration costs, but which will be capped and not exceed £50.
f. When the Accommodation is shared by a group of students, the cleaning of the communal areas, including the kitchen, is the joint responsibility of the residents of that Accommodation. It is suggested that a weekly cleaning rota is the best way of ensuring that the Accommodation is kept clean and each student should do their fair share and not expect other students to cover for them. It is expected that you fairly divide your kitchen storage areas between you; all kitchens come equipped with at least 1 cupboard per resident and organising this fairly is your responsibility.
g. Your fridge/freezers will usually be frost free appliances. In the unlikely event of frost build up you will be expected to defrost these appliances.
h. When informed in advance of a new resident moving into your flat you must ensure to make space in the kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer and ensure all communal areas are left clean and tidy for their arrival. The University will endeavour to give notice of new arrivals; however, this is not always possible.
i. The University reserves the right to allocate any University student to University Accommodation. Without limitation, the University cannot guarantee that new residents after the main September arrivals group (whether allocated to a previously unoccupied room in shared Accommodation or replacing a resident who has since vacated the room) will be of the same gender or other characteristic as any previous residents who have vacated, or current residents.
j. As a resident you are responsible for keeping individual and shared areas of your Accommodation in a reasonably clean and tidy state. Students who do not wish to undertake cleaning of their own flat/ studio can engage Cleaning Services for a fee. For further information please contact Cleaning Services on 0121 414 5633.
Disciplinary action may be taken against any student who fails to abide by these conditions and the University reserves the right to arrange for cleaning and to charge you a fair and reasonable amount to cover its administrative costs, not to exceed £50 in addition to any cleaning costs in doing so.
a. You must reimburse the University for the reasonable cost of repairs and making good any damage or loss to the Accommodation or fixtures and fittings, equipment, furniture or floor coverings including the common parts of the Accommodation, the Residence or University property (including an administration charge which shall not exceed £50) for which you or your guests are held responsible
b. You must take care when hanging posters, pictures or LED strip lights, not to mark the walls. Please use the notice board/pin board provided. You must NOT drill holes in the walls to erect shelving or otherwise without written permission from the Customer Service Manager.
c. You must not attempt to alter, add to, or in any way interfere with the construction, arrangement or services of the Accommodation or the Residence, including external fixtures or fittings, locks, door or window closures or electrical fittings.
d. You are not permitted to install or erect aerials or satellite dishes in the Accommodation. No telecommunications points and equipment other than the prevailing 3rd party telecommunications provider is to be installed and/or connected in the Accommodation without the prior written consent of the University.
e. You must not attempt to cover or block any ventilation grilles, which could result in dampness in the Accommodation due to condensation.
f. You must not use your Accommodation to dry items of clothing such that it results in dampness in the Accommodation due to condensation. Laundry facilities are provided on site for this purpose.
The University is committed to the conservation and improvement of the environment and to minimising the environmental impact arising from its activities. As a resident of University Accommodation, you have a major part to play in helping us to achieve our objective to sustainability and conservation of the environment. If your Accommodation is too warm, where you have control over your heating, we would ask you to turn down the heating rather than open the windows with the heating on, thus reducing energy use, costs and for environmental reasons.
In order to see Section 4, Environmental Quality in the relevant Code of Practice for your Accommodation, detailing more advice and information on energy efficiency, please go to https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/accommodation/our-services/codeofpractice.aspx
Included within your Accommodation Fees is an allowance to cover the average cost of providing Utility Services to your Accommodation for the Accommodation Period based on the previous year’s expenditure for that Accommodation.
a. We would ask you to be sensible with regard to your usage of these essential utilities to help the University keep its carbon emissions and energy costs to a minimum. You must try to help us conserve energy and these resources and not use these utilities in a wasteful way. We also reserve the right to make an additional charge to reflect a fair and reasonable proportion of the additional cost of electricity and gas used in your Accommodation during the Accommodation Period over and above the allowance we already made within your Accommodation Fees. Should we have to make such an additional charge we will give you notice of the amount and a reasonable amount of time to pay together with a breakdown of the increased electricity and gas costs that the University is trying to recover a fair and reasonable proportion of. If your Accommodation is serviced by central heating radiators as opposed to electric heaters, they will only activate when the temperature outside is cold enough to deem heating necessary.
b. The University has a very limited number of parking spaces on its residential sites and therefore you are not encouraged to bring your own vehicle.
c. You are NOT permitted to park your own vehicle on University land without holding a valid parking permit or purchasing a pay and display ticket. You must comply with the University’s traffic regulations. Vehicles are not permitted at Jarratt Hall or Bournbrook, except for blue badge holders by prior arrangement with reception for drivers who require access to a mobility parking space.
The Vale Village and Pritchatts Park Village have a limited number of mobility parking spaces which operate on the same basis as Jarratt Hall & Bournbrook above.
In addition, the Vale Village and Pritchatts Park Village have a limited number of parking spaces. Permits can be requested via the Village Reception Team. Permits are chargeable at the following rates for 2024-25:
- £322 for 42 weeks (23rd Sept - 12th July 2025)
- £161 for Term One (23rd September - 13th January 2025)
- £253.50 for Term Two & 3 (14th January - 12th July 2025)
- £105 during Summer Vacation (8th July - 8th September 2025)
Please note that permits are allocated on the basis of greatest individual need, at the absolute discretion of the Customer Service Manager, due to the limited availability of parking spaces. Parking for visitors is available on a pay and display basis.
a. You must NOT keep, bring, use or allow the following into the Residence or the Accommodation:
- any unlawful drugs or other such substances including any controlled drugs (for example, Nitrous Oxide) listed in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.
- firearms, airguns, bb guns, combat knives, other dangerous weapons of any sort (in each case whether functional or not) and any imitations of the foregoing
- gaming machines, large speakers, pool tables, juke boxes or similar such items
- road signs, traffic cones, shopping trolleys or the like. Any aforementioned items found in your flat will be classed as theft and treated as such.
b. You must not use the Bedroom for any reason other than your own private residential use. The Bedroom may only be used for your personal residential purposes, and you are strictly prohibited from utilizing it for any other reason. This prohibition extends to the operation of both non-profit and for-profit services.
d. You must not keep pets or other animals in your Accommodation, with the exception of assistance dogs who have been authorised by both Student Living and Disability Services.
e. You must ensure that no disturbance, inconvenience, nuisance or annoyance is caused to any other resident(s) in the Residence or the neighbouring vicinity by any form of antisocial behaviour by you or your guests, whether authorised or any subsequent unauthorised guests, in the Accommodation. You must keep noise to a minimum, both during the daytime and particularly at night i.e. between the hours of 22.00hr and 08.00hr.
f. You must comply with the University's rules/requests regarding antisocial behaviour. You must comply with all current University legislation, which is freely available on the University website Regulations. The University reserves the right to terminate this Contract if your health or behaviour poses a serious risk to others in the Residence including members of staff or other users of or visitors to the accommodation village. This includes behaviour outside of your accommodation, whilst on University property and includes any serious or persistent breach of your obligations under this Contract.
g. You must comply with the University’s Policies covering Equality and Diversity and Harassment and Bullying, which are implemented for the general welfare of all our students. Details are available on the University website https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/equality and Harassment and Bullying Policy
h. You must comply with the “General Conditions of Use of Computing and Network Facilities” when using any computers and/or computer network and internet connections in the Accommodation. These conditions can be found on General Conditions of Use of Computing and Network Facilities guide
i. If you subscribe to and download the relevant software to access television, you are required by law to obtain a colour Television Licence. You shall indemnify the University against any liability that it may incur as a result of your failure to comply with this provision or in respect of any infringement of broadcasting rights by you.
j. You must not to put up any prohibited sign, poster, flag, banner, advertisement or recyclable materials in the window of the Accommodation so as to be visible from the outside. The Customer Services Manager has the final say on what is prohibited in this regard.