Interviewer: Sam Walter (Interviewer, Ideas Lab)
Guest: Dr Mel Evans, Jose A. Perez Diez and Hannah Perrin
Recorded: 03/09/2013
Broadcast: 17/09/2013
Intro VO : You’re listening to an Ideas Lab Predictor Podcast Extra from the University of Birmingham. Dr Mel Evans introduces the two readings of Elizabeth I’s letters read by Hannah Perrin, with the guidance of Jose A. Perez Diez.
Mel: The first letter was written when Elizabeth was about 14 years old it was written to her step mother Katherine Par who was pregnant at the time, with what would later be a baby girl, and Elizabeth wrote to her to wish her a safe delivery in the pregnancy.
Hannah (as Queen Elizabeth I): Althought your hithnys letters be most ioyfull to me in absens, yet consyderinge what paine hit ys to you to write [and] your grace beinge so great with childe, and so sikely your commendacyon wer ynough in my Lordes lettar. I muche reioyce at your helthe with the wel likinge of the country, with my humbel thankes that your grace wisshed me with you til I ware wery of that cuntrye, your hithnys were like to be combered if I shulde not depart tyl I were weary beinge with you, although hit were in the worst soile in the world, your presence wolde make it pleasant. I can not reproue my Loord for not doinge your commendacyons in his lettar for he did hit: and although he had not, yet I wil not complaine on him for that he shalbe diligent to giue me knolege frome time to time how his busy childe dothe, and if I were at his birth no dowt I wolde se him beaton for the trobel he has put you to. Master Denny and my Lady with humbel thanks prayeth most intirely for your grace prainge the almyghtty God to sende you a most lucky deliuerance, And my mystres wisseth no les giuing you Hignes most humbel thankes for her commendacions. Written with very little leysor this last day of Iuly.
Mel: The second letter was written during Elizabeth’s reign in the 1580’s: She was writing to James VI of Scotland who was also her godson. This was part of a long exchange of letters spanning nearly 20 years during her lifetime when she tried to manager the political situation in Scotland by trying to persuade him personally through letters.
Hannah (as Queen Elizabeth I): I muse muche right deare brother how possiblie my wel ment Lettar prociding from so fauteLes a hart could be ether misliked or misconstred and first for my promis made of reciproke vsage in alL amicable maner I trust I nether haue nor never shall make fraction of in the lest scruple and as for doute of your perfourmance of your VoWe made me I assure you if I did not trust your wordes I shulde estime but at smale Valew your Writings and if you please to reade againe my last lettar you shaL perceaue hoW muche I prise your tried Constancy for all the many assaultes that I am sure your eares haue bin assailled with and therfor I am far from dout whan suche profe is made me You might Worthely forthinke you to haue bestowed so muche faithful dealinge upon one that ether had smal iugement or muche ingratitude and therof I may clerely purge me from suche crime for I haue more iust cause to acknowlege thankefulnis manifold than in [one] any part to ouerrun my oWne Wit to leue it behind me And for the some that you suppose my many affaires made me forget togither with the maner of the instrument or Lettar quocumque nomine datur for the first I asure you I neuer gaue commission for more some other might mistake as RandoL wil tel you and for the lettar some wordes and fourme Was suche as fitted not our two frindeships as Randol also can [tel] shewe you but I haue sent you a lettar that I am sure Containes alL you desired in spetialL wordes wiche I trust shaL content you althogh I must say for my selfe this muche that the pithe and effect of alL you receued afore And beseche you thinke that I finde it my greatest fault that I remember but to WelL Yea many times more than I WoLde but neuer aught that may be for your beholfe ether in honor or contentation shal euer sLip out of my mind but wil take so good regarde into it as [yet] it that euer shal nerely touche my selfe / As knoweth God Who euer preserue you from deceitful couseiL and Graunt you true knolege of your assured With Longe and many yeres to raigne.
Outro VO : This podcast and others in the series are available on the Ideas Lab website: There's also information on the free support Ideas Lab has to offer to TV and radio producers, new media producers and journalists. The interviewer and producer for the Ideas Lab Predictor Podcast was Sam Walter.