Natasha’s research interests are in areas of public international law which include; the Use of Force Regime, International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. Natasha is interested in how the different legal regimes interact with each other and also the wider political and social ramifications the regimes have on the international community.
Early in her legal studies, she became captivated by the emergence of cyber activities and the reaction of the international legal regime to the new domain. Her interest stems from the evolving nature of cyberspace, where legal hurdles are created due to technological advancements and the reliance on the traditional application of international law.
Natasha’s current research focuses on the adequacy of the current regulatory framework that governs and enforces international law in cyberspace during cyber conflicts. It also seeks to address the increasing nature of cyber capabilities being used as military tools and assess the international community’s responses to such threats. In particular, her research seeks to assess the implications of human rights obligations under the International Human Rights regime as well as 'emerging online human rights issues’ during cyber conflicts.