Mrs Anna Lawson BSc

Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences
Trial Management Team Leader

Contact details

Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU)
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Anna Lawson is the Trial Management Team Leader for one half of the Children’s Cancer Trials Team (CCTT-B) which encompasses trials within paediatric haematology and germ cell tumours.


BSc (Hons) in Human Biology, University of Birmingham, 2006


Anna Lawson graduated with a 2:1 BSc.(Hons) in Human Biology from the University of Birmingham in 2006. She joined the Cancer Research Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU) as a Data Manager in 2007 working in breast cancer trials.

Anna has progressed through the roles of Trial Administrator, Trial Coordinator and then Senior Trial Coordinator over the next 10 years before being appointed as a Trial Management Team Leader for the Children’s Cancer Trials Team in 2017. Anna’s trials experience is predominantly in late phase paediatric trials, and more specifically within paediatric haematology.

Anna is responsible for the paediatric haematology and germ cell tumour trial portfolios at the CRCTU.


Contributing to the design, set-up and management of clinical trials within paediatric haematology and germ cell tumour portfolios.


Provenzano, E. A-L Vallier, A.L. Champ, R. Walland, K. Bowden, S. Grier, A, Fenwick, N. Abraham, J. Iddawela, M. Caldas, C. Hiller, L. Dunn, J. Earl, H.M. (2013), A central review of histology reports after breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the neo-tango trial. British Journal of Cancer (2013) 108, 866–872. doi:10.1038/bjc.2012.547