Doctoral Researcher Profiles
There are currently more than 300 students (full-time and part-time) registered for research degrees within the School. The following profiles provide examples of some of the research being undertaken in the school.
Fatehi Ahmed Issues of knowledge transfer: developing schemata to facilitate mimicking the cognitive search patterns of experts to improve knowledge transfer at unfamiliar context.
Michael Amess Schooling for Diverse Communities
Simon Asquith Educational Equalities and the 'Self-Improving School System' in England.
Julia Barnes Exploring Nurturing Touch for Teenagers with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties in Education Settings in England
Rebecca Bartram Can Self-Regulation and impulsivity be improved to show a positive impact for children in the Early Years.
Bobby Beaumont Childhood in the Camps: An ethnographic exploration of play and performance in refugee camps.
Charlotte Brookes Facilitating inclusion in secondary schools for nonbinary autistic young people: Stakeholder views and the role of autistic masking
Leanne B.M. Campbell BTEC Student Retention in Higher Education.
Sarah Chung Primary school governor training: exploring the fitness for purpose of the content and mode of delivery in England
Helen Evans A participatory action research study with a ‘Students as Researchers’ (SaR) group, specifically formed to train and engage post-16 students (who are intellectually disabled and autistic) in the development of enjoyable, accessible and meaningful student voice practice and tools.
Emelie Helsen Manifestations of Whiteness and White Supremacy in Higher Education (and the effects on students)
Emerald Henderson Virtuous Leadership in the School Context: Cultivating Teacher Character Through Role Modelling
Sara King What do maternity services do now to support autistic women as service users; what do they need to do to improve?
Wanyin Li The acquisition and processing of English collocations in native and non-native speakers.
Nicklas Lindström Supporting students to identify and articulate their use of prior knowledge necessary to solve problems in secondary school chemistry.
Bethan Morris-Tran Transforming Education, Transforming Lives: Learning Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Joy Neetha The Advantage in Disadvantage - A case study of disabled teachers.
Rosie Rushton Exploring the impact of music on the play experiences of children and young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities
Sharon Smith Being ‘mum’ – the subjectivity of parent carers and its impact on inclusion.
Kathryn Twigg The Trauma-Informed Teaching of Shakespeare
Gordon Mabengban Yakpir Sex Education: Perceptions and experiences of Window of Hope Tutors in Ghanaian colleges of Education.