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ESRC event looks at Brexit impact for Birmingham and beyond

On the 7 November, six leading academics from the University of Birmingham presented to a full house at the Birmingham REP, the potential implications of Brexit for Birmingham, Britain and beyond, looking at matters such as family, economy, living and migration.

Brexit: The Road Ahead

On the 7 November, six leading academics from the University of Birmingham presented to a full house at the Birmingham REP the potential implications of Brexit for Birmingham, Britain and beyond. The event looked at matters such as family, economy, living and migration and was hosted by Profesor Robin Mason, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (international).

Forming part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science, a nationwide festival which looks at how social science research impacts on everyday life, the event adopted a Pecha Kucha format giving speakers 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide to present their topic.

Each speaker rose to the challenge to uncover the effects of Brexit on EU Families and Eurochildren (Dr Nando Sigona), British pensioners living in Spain (Dr Kelly Hall), the NHS and its patients (Professor Mark Exworthy) regulating pharmaceuticals and clinical trials (Professor Jean McHale), economy and trade (Professor Raquel Ortega-Argiles) and living and working in post-Brexit Birmingham (Professor John Bryson).

The evening finished with a lively Q&A session hosted by Professor Karen Rowlingson, Deputy Head of the College of Social Sciences where the panel gave insights as to why Brexit happened, whether it should be delivered by experts and what lies ahead. 

Watch the full presentation below:

 View the Storyify page for the event below: