The Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR)

CEDAR exists to bring together researchers, policy makers, civil society groups and activists across borders in a common quest to understand the factors that promote and undermine accountable and representative government.

About us

Understanding better elections, democracy, accountability and representation across the globe.

Who we are

Meet members of the CEDAR team.

Explore our research

Research which seeks to better understand elections, democracy, accountability and representation across the globe.

Latest Podcasts

Our podcast series brings you the latest insights into the factors that are shaping - and re-shaping - our political world

Our blogs person looking at mobile phone whilst on the underground railway

Blogs which explore world-wide political systems, governance, and power dynamics.

news and activities people sitting at a table having a discussion

News and event activities from the Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation

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