Submit your alumni profile

Our current and prospective students are inspired by the success of our alumni. Please take a few minutes to share your experiences and how you have shaped your career post graduation.

  • Your details
  • Name *
  • Your current employment
  • Your profile
  • Permissions Statement
    I consent to the submitted photograph of myself to be used online, on the University websites and social media channels, and in printed publications and other promotional materials (which may mean my data is used outside the European Economic Area through the World Wide Web). I consent to the University storing copies of the photograph and your contact details for as long as necessary. The University will be the data controller for this information and will process the data in accordance with the GDPR and DPA 2018. I acknowledge that I can withdraw consent at any time by contacting the person named on this form
  • Tick below for confirmation*

Please contact if you have any questions about submitting your profile.