The GEES Global Futures Scholarship (India & Bangladesh)

The School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences is pleased to announce the launch of a prestigious scholarship scheme open to India & Bangladesh domiciled students coming to the School for a full time Undergraduate programme or a full time taught Master’s degree programme starting in September 2025 at the Edgbaston campus.

The scheme offers a £2,000 discount on tuition fees. In the case of undergraduate students, this is for the first year of the programme only. This is an exceptional opportunity for students from India & Bangladesh to study programmes in Geography, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Urban and Regional Planning, and Public and Environmental Health. It is designed to widen the opportunities for students from India and Bangladesh to study subjects which will help solve some of the complex challenges facing the UK, India & Bangladesh.

Successful applicants can use this award in conjunction with any other scholarship awarded by the University or any external source.

Level of study
Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate taught masters (PGT) programmes in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Subject area
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES)

India or Bangladesh

Type of Award

Deadline for applying

  • For MSc Programmes: There are a limited number of scholarships, available, which will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. Early application is essential.
  • For Undergraduate programmes: The scholarship will apply as a fee reduction to the first year of study only and will be applied on enrolment

Value of Award
£2,000 tuition fee discount

Open all sections

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible, candidates must:

  • Have received an offer of admission from Birmingham for a full-time undergraduate or taught Master degree programme in GEES at the University’s Edgbaston campus starting in September 2025 and have formally accepted it.
  • Meet the academic conditions of their offer to the programme.
  • Have paid their requisite deposit, if applicable for the level of study, by the deadline stated in their offer letter from Admissions Office.
  • Be classed as domiciled in India or Bangladesh (i.e. habitually resident in India or Bangladesh at the point of application).
  • Be classed by the University as an overseas fee payer for tuition fee purposes and be able to pay the outstanding tuition fees that are not covered by the scholarship.
  • Have sufficient funds to cover the full cost of living at the University of Birmingham, plus any visa/travel expenses associated with studying in the UK.
  • Candidates must, upon enrolment in September 2025, pay their net tuition fees for the year by 1 November, immediately following enrolment.

Additional Scholarship Conditions

  • Successful recipients of the scholarships must have completed online registration and be ‘Normally Registered’ by 3 October (23:59 UK time/ GMT+1). If this is not the case, the School may withdraw the scholarship.
  • If a scholarship recipient withdraws from their academic programme of study at the University the scholarship will also be withdrawn, and the student will be required to pay any tuition fees owed. The date of the withdrawal (as reported to Taught Student Administration) and the type of programme will determine the amount of tuition fee that will be owed.
  • If a scholarship recipient decides to defer their programme start date, they will no longer be eligible for the award.
  • Students seeking to study on a course solely delivered as a ‘distance learning’ programme are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • GEES programmes in Dubai are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • In accepting and securing this scholarship, awardees are expected to support the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the University, to a reasonable extent and for a reasonable period of time, by being willing to provide profiles, testimonials and engaging in ambassadorial activities for the School and University.

How to Apply

We have a limited number of scholarships, which will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. For PGT programmes, applicants will need to mail the deposit payment receipt along with their student application ID to For UG programmes, applicants will need to mail the Conditional Offer Letter to



For PGT programmes, early application is essential as there are only a limited number of scholarships available. For UG programmes, the fee reduction will be applied on enrolment.


Scholarships will be awarded based on the eligibility criteria outlined above and according to the application and admission process stated above. The School reserves the right to amend or change this offer at any time. The scholarship will be awarded/applied upon enrolment of the successful candidate in September 2025.