The University of Birmingham offers a variety of training and support for researchers at all stages of their careers. Visit the EPS & LES ECDN Events and Training and Development webpages for more information on the types of support available to postdoctoral researchers in the Colleges of EPS and LES.
A number of national organisations also provide support for researchers in the UK:Close
Vitae is a non-profit programme, part of The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Ltd which seeks to enhance the skills and careers of researchers and to strengthen institutional provision for the professional development of their researchers. Vitae provides a range of online courses and resources for researchers covering professional development, career management and planning, and careers inside and outside academia.
Research Professional is an online database of research funding opportunities and research policy news which provides a quick and easy way to search for a wide range of funding opportunities from research councils, charities, and many other funders.