Student Profile - Valeria Goatham

Home Country: Panama
Course: BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Department: School of Engineering

"One of the best points about my coValeria Goatham Della Sera standing outsideurse is the different ways you can learn. There is a mix of pre-recorded videos, lectures, tutorials, seminars and labs."

Why did you originally apply to do your chosen course at Birmingham?

I applied for my chosen course at Birmingham because of the general modules offered in the first year. Although I was sure I wanted to study electronic and electrical engineering it was really good to have the opportunity to study modules belonging to three different branches of engineering.  At the end of my first year, I knew I had chosen the right engineering subject and if not, I could have easily transferred to another programme.

What do you think are the best points of your course?

One of the best points about my course is the different ways you can learn. There is a mix of pre-recorded videos, lectures, tutorials, seminars and labs. We have a lot of labs and it is very nice to put into practice what we learn in lectures and to be able to understand everything much better when you are working on it.

What’s the best thing about studying at the University of Birmingham?

The best thing for me about studying at the University of Birmingham is although you have to put a lot of time into your degree there is also plenty of time to do other fun things. The University of Birmingham has so many different societies that you can join to learn new things and have a good time with other people. I am currently part of Brum Eco Racing which is an engineering society where you build a fuel-saving racing car. I also had the opportunity to join one of the free language classes and I am learning German this year. 

What’s your highlight of your time at the University?

The highlight of my time at university has been meeting and making new friends from all around the world. It has been so amazing learning about their cultures and making a bond with so many of them that I know will last forever. Also, I have enjoyed traveling around the UK and Europe as it is so easy to get around and see all the lovely places.

What advice would you give to students thinking about studying on the course?

Some advice I would give to students thinking about studying my course is that although it is a challenging degree, and a lot of people may discourage you from doing it because it is hard but if you like it and think it is interesting just do it. Once you are on the course the most important thing is managing your time and putting effort into each module. If you keep up with your work for each module you will be completely fine by the end of each semester. 

Is there anything extra students thinking about studying on the course should know?

An extra piece of advice I would give to anyone thinking about studying on my course is you should use the opportunity of studying at an amazing university to your advantage. Always talk to professors and get to know what they have studied and also if they are researching something that you are interested in. Professors are always willing to talk and share their knowledge as well as help you if you need assistance with anything during their office hours.