Economics Society achievements autumn term 2021-22

Post-pandemic, EconSoc committee recognise they have a huge challenge ahead. But never fear, they had the tenacity to overcome that challenge! Thanks to their enthusiasm, they've had their biggest ever recruitment drive!


Having taken over the Economics Society with barely enough money to do anything, we all agree that we’ve had a rough start. From security issues with our PayPal account to our negotiations for more funding, we've definitely had an eventful yet very fulfilling first half of the academic year.

Being the committee in charge of the Society post-pandemic, we have a huge challenge ahead as we have to face the difficult fact that many students had lost interest any society activity, graduated or even had no idea of our existence. But never fear, we had the tenacity to overcome that challenge! To ensure we enrolled as many new members as possible the Society; our Marketing Director was quick to organize a social media campaign even before the start of term which involved informing Fresher’s and current students who their main points of contact were, how they could sign up, and most importantly what we had planned for the academic year. This, coupled with our presence at the University’s Society Fair, led to a record number of signups for us! Many from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences too!

Having already acquired a substantial new membership base, we focused on delivering the mix of both social and educational events throughout the term. First, we organized a Meet & Greet, our first in-person event which aimed to give our members the opportunity to meet each other. This was followed by our most popular event, the EconSoc Bar Crawl, as well as a series of careers events with employers such as the British Petroleum Virtual Experience, and the AmplifyMe Finance Accelerator Event.

We may have had a rocky start but we can now celebrate a great start to the year and many more events to come. Watch this space!

inperson socials
accelerator event

To find out more about the Economics Society visit their society website.

There are 41 student groups associated with the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. To learn more about their projects and activities head to the EPS Societies homepage.