Wednesday 24 October 2018, 17:30 - 18:30
Venue: N225, Gisbert Kapp (G8 on campus map - PDF)
Fasten your seat belts ... or rather, why are there no seats belts on trains?
Professor Anson Jack will give his inaugural lecture on the 24th October. He will be speaking about his background in the rail industry and in particular his interest and responsibilities for research which led him to fronting up the GB rail industry’s decision not to install seat belts on trains. The background to a campaign for the fitting of seatbelts on trains, the industry exploring the options and determining what it should do, and the decisions that arose from the research are a case study in translating research into practical application as well as the managing of sensitive stakeholders.
Professor Jack works within BCRRE to promote international railway benchmarking and other research, and to develop the extensive international relationships the University has already established across the globe.
He began his career at British Rail where he joined as a graduate trainee in 1979. He also worked at Railtrack and Network Rail, before joining RSSB in 2003. His credentials also include membership of: the Technical Advisory Board of the International High Speed Rail Association, based in Tokyo and being an advisor to the SNCF Board on safety. Previously he has been on the Transportation Research Board Committee for the review of the Federal Railroad Administration research and development programme; the Organising Committee for the World Congress on Railway Research, and the UK rail industry’s Technical Strategy Leadership Group. He was a founder director of the European Infrastructure Managers (EIM).
Complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be served at the drinks reception following the event. Alcoholic drinks will be only be served to those who are aged 18 or over.
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