Outputs from the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Strand

Through the National HE STEM Programme the MSOR Network established a total of 32 projects based around higher education curriculum development within the mathematical sciences. For more information, please see the Summary of work in mathematical sciences HE curriculum innovation report.

A number of publications and resources were produced as outputs from these projects and they are available for download below.

 Resource Description

HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit

A report the outlining the debate, talks and discussions, with recommendations of current priorities for curriculum development in mathematical sciences resulting from the HE Mathematics Curriculum Summit held in January 2011.
Developing graduate skills in HE mathematics programmes: Case studies of successful practice A series of short case studies providing examples of ways in which specific graduate skills have been successfully developed through curricular initiatives.
Further work developing graduate skills in HE mathematics programmes A further series of short case studies on approaches to developing graduate skills within the mathematical sciences.
Graduates’ views on the undergraduate mathematics curriculum Report of a survey to understand graduates’ perspectives on the undergraduate mathematics curriculum. The survey was undertaken by Loughborough University.
Employer engagement in undergraduate mathematics Short case studies describing work focused upon developing graduate and employability skills by involving employers in the curriculum.
Student-centred approaches in mathematics Case studies describing work in the areas of student support, transition to university, retention and inclusive curricula, all from a ‘student-centred’ perspective.
Good practice on inclusive curricula in the mathematical sciences Reports from academic staff, professional support staff, disability researchers and students on specific accessibility challenges in the mathematical sciences beyond those usually considered in generic good practice advice and guidance.
Maths Arcade: Stretching and supporting mathematical thinking A guide to setting up and running Maths Arcades, an innovative support initiative, along with case studies of their implementation at several universities.
Being a professional mathematician Resources to encourage students’ awareness of what it means to be a ‘professional mathematician’ along with guidance as to how these ideas might be embedded within the undergraduate curriculum.
History of mathematics in the higher education curriculum  A guide to using history of mathematics within various contexts in higher education with a particular emphasis upon a mechanism to engage students with the subject.
Media enhanced teaching and learning Case studies and evidence of the use of using recordings in teaching, learning and assessment and their impact upon student learning.
Mapping university mathematics assessment practices A comprehensive report of a survey, along with a number of supporting case studies of current practice, exploring the potential for using alternative forms of assessment within the mathematical sciences.
Teaching problem-solving in undergraduate mathematics A good practice guide, which contains a number of very usable problems, on developing, teaching and assessing problem solving.
A pilot for a shared on-line statistics advisory service  A report of a pilot initiative to offer statistics support to students at several universities via a shared online service.
Industrial problem solving for higher education An Industrial Problem Solving for Higher Education (IPSHE) wiki, developed by the Department of Engineering Mathematics at the University of Bristol which maintains a list of case studies from real, recent industrial and scientific research problems serving as a basis for group projects at all levels of undergraduate study.