Outputs from the Mathematics and Statistics Support in Higher Education Strand

The National HE STEM Programme had a strand of activity focusing upon mathematics and statistics support which was led by sigma. Please read the Sigmal final report for comprehensive details of the strand's work.

 A number of publications produced by sigma through the Programme are also available for download below:

 Resource Description
Tutoring in a mathematics support centre A guide to support those who train postgraduates to work as tutors in mathematics support centres.
 And the winner is…mathematics support An overview of sigma, its history and activities. This document wasproduced followingits 2011 Times Higher Award for Outstanding Support for Students.
How to set up mamathematics and statistics support provision A practical guide intended for anyone looking to establish a mathematics or statistics support provision (centre) within their institutions.
Gathering student feedback on mathematics and statistics support provision A guide to help individuals evaluate the impact of their mathematics support provision.
Mathematics learning support in UK higher education: The extent of provision in 2012 An overview report that provides a summary of the extent of mathematics and statistics support (as of 2012) within UK higher education.
Setting up a Maths Support Centre A further guide to assist those setting up a mathematics or statistics support centre. Example case studies of existing provision within the UK are included as exemplars.
Evaluation of mathematics
support centres: A review of the literature
A report that reviews and synthesises the available published research evidence (as of November 2012) with a view to allowing the reader to make informed decisions about the value of mathematics support activity and the targeting of future funding.