
We want all students and researchers to feel that they are part of a vibrant, inclusive staff-student community.  With this in mind, the Student Experience team arrange cultural, intellectual and social events and activities throughout the year, often collaborating with students and societies

For the 2020/21 academic year, a lot of activity will initially take place online, but all planning will be flexible so that activity can be changed to in-person or run bi-modally (i.e. online and in person) when this is feasible.

In the past, example community activity has included: 

  • Inclusivity events and projects
  • Trips connected with the interests of a cohort, (e.g. Sacred Spaces (School of Philosophy, Theology & Religion) and trip to Hay Festival)
  • Residentials (e.g. Stratford Summer residential - School of English, Drama & Creative Studies)
  • Student conferences
  • Winter soiree (School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music)
  • Dissertation poster conference (School of History & Cultures)
  • Research showcase event
  • Cultural calendar celebration events
  • Film nights
  • Quizzes
  • Competitions
  • Games nights
  • Support for student led activity e.g. a feminism group in EDACS and work on decolonising the curriculum across the College
  • Student family mentoring schemes
  • Departmental socials
  • End of term socials
  • Hand in socials
  • Results day celebrations
  • Graduation celebrations

Postgraduate taught (PGT) student specific activity

  • PG Canvas hub
  • Masters Dissertation conference
  • Mini trips to local places of interest during the summer dissertation period
  • CAL PG Quiz

Postgraduate researcher (PGR) student specific activity

  • ‘Demystifying’ events (e.g. your first year, progress panels, viva)
  • PG Canvas hub
  • PGR mentoring scheme
  • CAL PG Quiz