Sociology in Practice


  • BSc Physiotherapy


Year Two

The module offers a ‘sandwich’ approach with students attending university-based sessions followed by a period of practice placement and completed with further university-based sessions. It is designed to develop understanding of, and insights into, perspectives in the study of sociology including social structures, human agency and actions which influence health and health care.

Theoretical aspects such as consequences of living in particular cultures and determinants of sickness, as well as health in modern society will be explored through university-based sessions. These issues are also deliberated in relation to ability to manage change, using examples from practice, and analysis of how improvement might be brought to bear in a shifting health care climate, derived from practice-placement experience. Students will have the opportunity to reflect and develop further their understanding of these concepts in practice through further university-based sessions after placement.  


  • Mark derived from Practice Placement Assessment Form 
  • 3000 word essay using evidence from portfolio developed during work-based experience