Neurological rehabilitation


  • BSc Physiotherapy


Year Two

The module will build on the Foundations of Physiology for Practice module, introducing applied neurophysiology and neuroplasticity to underpin a developing rationale for rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation will centre on assisting people who have experienced damage or dysfunction to the central and peripheral nervous systems. Case studies will be used to consider pathology, management and rehabilitation including psychosocial considerations of neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy.

You will develop skills with patient assessment, including movement analysis, treatment planning and therapeutic handling within practical sessions.

Wider aspects of practice will be considered such as the role of the multidisciplinary team and interprofessional working, health promotion and community rehabilitation activities, including disability sport. The emerging use of technology in assessment and rehabilitation will also be considered.

Bridging sessions with the other specialist practice modules will take place to facilitate clinical reasoning across specialist boundaries.