A Place To Call Home Exhibition - The IMPACT Centre

Learn more about the IMPACT centre showcased in the "making home" exhibition at The Exchange.

Introducing IMPACT


What is the IMPACT project about?

If I had to summarize, our project IMPACT stands for improving adult care together. And basically it's about looking at data and data from the perspective of people with lived experience of adult social care. So for me, it's data with soul.

Why is this research important?

Why is it important? It's to get the perspectives and views and experience of people who draw on care and support. It's ultimately important that we help shape, develop and design care and support in the future.

Why do you work on this?

The reason I do what I do is, to describe, I would say a houseplant analogy is if you think of a houseplant, most people will water it you’ll feed it, if you're lucky, you'll even talk to your houseplant. And if you really lucky, you'll put your houseplant on a window ledge so we can get some sunshine. That, to me is just surviving. I want to thrive. And the lives, good, good lives for people. That's why I'm in it.

What does home mean to the people involved in your project?

I believe home means to people is good lives being able to be connected to community. It's also being able to do the things that are everyday activities that we take for granted, like going the cinema going to you know, football, or going to a theater, just doing everyday mundane things, even shopping.

About IMPACT (Improving adult social care together) centre

IMPACT a £15 million UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Health Foundation. It is being led by Professor Jon Glasby at the University of Birmingham, with a Leadership Team of 12 other academics, people using social care services, and policy and practice partners – along with a broader consortium of key stakeholders from across the sector and across the four nations of the UK.

Learn more about IMPACT, its aims and its findings through the IMPACT website

Explore the Future of Care exhibition

developed by the IMPACT project as part of the Economic and Social Research Councils (ESRC) festival of social science it shares the responses to two key questions what does care mean to you? And what is the future of care? explore the responses ranging from a 5 year old to an AI generated outlook. 

Explore the Future of Care exhibition