Year 10 Summer School: Your Future, Your Choice

A programme for eligible students across the West Midlands

Are you a Year 10 student curious about university but not sure what it involves? The Year 10 Summer School offers you the chance to see what it is like to study at a research-intensive university.

Applications for the 2024 summer school are closed. If you attend a Year 10 Summer School partner school in the West Midlands, we encourage you to look through the information and consider applying next year.

Questions? Email the team at

The summer school is your opportunity to find out what it's like to live and learn as a university student. Benefits of taking part in the summer school include:

  • Exploring our campus and meeting current staff and students
  • Staying in our accommodation overnight to get a taste of student living
  • Gaining a better understanding of what university involves and why you may want to consider it
  • Exploring a range of university subjects
  • Making informed choices about your future and what to do when you leave school
  • Meeting and working with students from different schools
  • Developing your skills, knowledge, and confidence
  • Having lots of fun

Take a glimpse into past Year 10 summer schools

Two male students doing an activity with colourful tubes

Frequently asked questions

General summer school queries

Can I attend for one day?

No, you are unable to attend for one day and by applying, you are registering for the full programme. Make sure to check whether your family have booked a holiday, or you have any trips with school when you are applying. The summer schools will take part during school time and your school will be monitoring your attendance.

What happens if I feel homesick?

We understand that for some of you this will be the first time you have been away from home on your own. We aim to make your stay at Birmingham as enjoyable and fun as possible. It is bound to feel a bit strange at first, and if you are feeling homesick, talk to your ambassadors (current university students) or the other residential staff. We are confident that by the end of your stay, you will have really enjoyed the experience and will want to stay longer!

Can my parent or carer stay for the duration as well?

No. The residential is for the Year 10 students selected for the programme only. Unfortunately, parents and carers cannot attend due to the focus being on the Year 10 students.

What happens if someone misbehaves?

Everyone who is attending the summer school will have signed a Code of Conduct. Therefore, if someone acts against it, discussions will take place and if necessary, a decision will be made about whether to send the participant home or back to school. We will also discuss the situation with the school of the pupil

The University has its own security section that monitors the campus 24 hours a day. At the halls of residence, there is CCTV, electronic access control, and a member of staff on site at all times.

Where will I sleep?

You’ll have your own en-suite bedroom within a corridor of our student accommodation. A student ambassadors will also stay on your corridor and be on hand throughout the night if you are to have any issues.

Does the University help with travel costs to the summer school?

Yes. A travel expenses form will be available once you are at summer school, which asks for details of your travel arrangements to the University and the costs incurred. You need to keep any receipts or train tickets that are used, so that we can verify the travel expenses you are claiming. Once everything is confirmed, the money you are claiming for will be paid directly into your bank account. If coming by car, we will pay a cost towards the petrol, so please record your mileage. We are unable to pay for transport by taxi unless there are special circumstances, which must be discussed with us in advance.

I’m worried because I don’t know anyone at the summer school. What can you do to help?

Most students coming won’t know anyone else either and we plan our programmes to help you get to know everyone quickly. On arrival, you will be put into a group with around nine other students and two student ambassadors, who are there to help you settle in and answer any questions you might have. Our first afternoon is all about getting to know you, with plenty of activities to help you feel at home. 

What do I need to bring?

You will only need to bring clothes for the day and comfortable shoes. On the second evening, we will have a party so you can dress up if you want, but you don’t need to. You will not need to go out and buy any new clothes. We will provide bedding, toiletries, and towels as well. You will need to bring anything personal and anything you will need for an overnight stay such as a toothbrush.  

Do you cater for all dietary requirements?

We cater for any dietary requirements such as vegetarians, vegans, and students who require Halal food. Please make sure you have informed us if you have any specific dietary requirements and/or food allergies prior to the event starting.

How much money do I need?

All meals, refreshments, and social activities during your stay are provided free of charge. You may wish to bring a small amount of money to buy something extra from the campus shop. 

I am a parent/carer of a child taking part in the summer school

When is the parent/carer information evening?

Parents are invited to attend the parent information evening in July. This event is held on campus and is a great way for parents to find out more about the programme, meet the staff and understand what their child will gain by taking part. Refreshments will be provided for all guests. More information will be sent to you via the email address provided on the application form.  

How can I support my child during the programme?

If your child has been invited to apply for the programme, please complete the application form with them, checking the information carefully before they submit.

Once on the programme, they will be sent further information by the summer school team, so please encourage them to read and complete the form as soon as possible. At the start of the event, encourage them to get involved with all the activities and opportunities presented on the programme. Remind them that the more they get involved, the more they will gain from the summer school.

After the event, sit with them to reflect on their thoughts and explore what they have learnt further.  

Who will be supervising the participants during the summer school?

Participants will be supervised at all times by the University’s Outreach Team who are responsible adults with years of experience working with young people. The team have all been police Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked. 

Academic sessions are run by University staff who are experienced tutors with relevant qualifications. Additionally, dedicated Student Ambassadors, who have undergone police Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, will accompany the groups throughout the summer school.

How do I make contact in the event of an emergency?

You will be able to contact us on a 24-hour number that will be given to you before the residential begins.