Image of a man and others sat in front of laptops talking

Conferences for teachers and advisers

Throughout the year, we host a variety of events to support teachers and advisers and keep them informed about current higher education and university admissions trends.

Our events deliver valuable insights into the University of Birmingham's courses and opportunities. All events will be advertised on this webpage and by email, so sign up to receive communications from us.

We hold a Conference for Teachers and Advisers on the University of Birmingham campus in alternate years, usually during the spring term. This is a fantastic opportunity to get up to speed with any changes in the sector and how you can support your students with their university applications. There will also be an opportunity to get any questions answered.

London Conference for Teachers and Advisers

We also encourage you to attend our yearly conference for teachers and careers advisers in London. Organised jointly with the University of Nottingham, the event programme includes speakers from both universities. The next conference takes place on Wednesday 5 June 2024. It is free of charge to attend, and booking is essential. 

Contact us

Please contact for further information about our conferences.