Primary education activities

We are keen to support Year 6 pupils with the sometimes-difficult transition period from primary to secondary school.

Move on Up Day

We have designed the Move on Up Day with the aim to make students feel excited about their future, and understand what a university is and does, whilst encouraging them to excel in secondary education and beyond.

As part of the Move on Up day, students will discover more about university life by exploring our campus, attending a lecture, and getting a chance to ask lots of questions to our current undergraduates.

Theatre company 2Engage will deliver an interactive theatre performance that introduces the changes pupils will face as they embark on their educational journey. They will also address some common concerns about secondary school and showcase the opportunities available to them.

The next Move on Up day will take place on Wednesday 22 May 2024. To enquire about booking places on the programme, please contact Senior Outreach Officer Alice McGowan

  • Logo for Microscopes for Schools

    Microscopes4Schools competition

    We're excited to bring Microscopes4Schools (M4S) to the West Midlands. This is a microscopy competition for local primary schools, aimed at pupils of Year 5 and 6 learning age. It is free, no preparation is needed by teachers and all the planning and support is provided by the M4S Birmingham team.

    The competition runs from January to July every year. We will prioritise requests from schools with a higher percentage of students in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM).

    If you're a primary school teacher based in the West Midlands and you're interested in taking part in this competition, email to find out more.

    Learn more