Two female students clapping and smiling with other students in the background

Year 10 Summer School: Your Future, Your Choice

A programme for eligible students across the West Midlands

Are you a Year 10 student curious about university but not sure what it involves? The Year 10 Summer School offers you the chance to see what it is like to study at a research-intensive university.

Applications for the 2024 summer school are closed. If you attend a Year 10 Summer School partner school in the West Midlands, we encourage you to look through the information and consider applying next year.

Questions? Email the team at

The summer school is your opportunity to find out what it's like to live and learn as a university student. Benefits of taking part in the summer school include:

  • Exploring our campus and meeting current staff and students
  • Staying in our accommodation overnight to get a taste of student living
  • Gaining a better understanding of what university involves and why you may want to consider it
  • Exploring a range of university subjects
  • Making informed choices about your future and what to do when you leave school
  • Meeting and working with students from different schools
  • Developing your skills, knowledge, and confidence
  • Having lots of fun

Take a glimpse into past Year 10 summer schools

Two male students doing an activity with colourful tubes

Frequently asked questions

General summer school queries

I am a parent/carer of a child taking part in the summer school