Student typing on laptop in the library. Book shelves in the foreground

Pathways to Birmingham eligibility criteria

Pathways to Birmingham supports students to decide on the best route for their future. Our eligibility criteria ensure we recruit students from backgrounds currently underrepresented at university who will benefit most from our activity.

Follow the steps below to see if your meet our Pathways to Birmingham eligibility criteria:

Step 1

  • You currently attend a Pathways to Birmingham partner school* and have attended a non-selective state-funded school in the UK at Key Stage 4 (GCSE or equivalent).  If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker, we will still consider your application if your Key Stage 4 qualifications were not taken in the UK. 
  • You have a Home fee status at the point of entry to university.
  • You are in Year 12 or Year 13 (or equivalent), or a mature student.

*Typically a state-funded school, college, or sixth form in the greater West Midlands (or from across the UK for NASS) that has chosen to be a Pathways to Birmingham partner school. Students cannot have attended a selective school for their GCSE qualifications.

Step 2

You will be eligible if you have had experience of public care.

OR meet at least three of the following measures:

Step 3

If you only meet two of the criteria at Step 2, we will also consider your application if you have experienced other significant extenuating circumstances that had, or are having, a significant detrimental impact on academic attainment.

Extenuating circumstances that affect exams or the likelihood of going to university will be considered on an individual basis and must be verified by a teacher or adviser. A moderation board will ensure consistency across programmes.

Step 4

In addition to the above, A2B applicants must also: 

Year 12 Pathways to Birmingham participants are required to meet these conditions in Year 13 should they choose to apply to the University of Birmingham and wish to be eligible to apply for a Pathways to Birmingham offer.

If you meet the criteria as stated in the steps above, you will be eligible for any of our Pathways to Birmingham programmes, and should apply when applications open.