Study Civil Engineering at Birmingham

Civil Engineering is the key to many of the issues affecting our lives today, by solving problems, designing, building and maintaining our living and working spaces.

Why Civil Engineering at Birmingham?

  • A shared first year across disciplines of Civil, Mechanical and Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering allows you to gain foundations of understanding in all three areas.
  • You will have access to our state-of-the-art School of Engineering building which includes a 179-capacity Design Centre and a basement that houses a full-size set of railway points, the University’s pantograph test rig and a test track for the scaled hydrogen-powered train.

  • You will benefit from our excellent links with industry to gain real-world experience during your studies, and to prepare you for entering the workplace as a graduate. 

Why Study Civil Engineering?

  • Civil Engineering student Will.

    Meet Will

    "In first, second and third year, all students undertake the Integrated Design Project module, which unites civil, mechanical and electrical engineers to tackle an engineering project, which gives a fantastic chance to taste the real engineering world and apply lots of what we have learnt in lectures and labs."

    Read Will's blog