Postgraduate Admissions

How much will it cost to attend the University of Birmingham?

The total amount of money that a student requires for educational purposes is known as the Cost of Attendance (COA). You can find more information about what Federal law allows your COA to include on the study costs and benefits webpage.

Federal law allows your COA to include:

  • Tuition fees; the cost of tuition fees varies depending on the course you are studying. Your tuition fee liability should be included on your offer letter.
  • Living expenses; the cost of accommodation and food.
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses; these expenses include utilities, clothing, leisure and mobile phone contract costs.
  • Books, course materials, supplies and equipment
  • PC/Laptop costs
  • Transportation; includes a set cost for two return flights and local transportation.
  • Visa costs
  • An allowance to assist with any disability
  • An allowance to assist with formal dependent care
  • Additional study costs; these include attendance on field trips and conferences which are imperative to the completion of the programme.
  • Coverage of any charges or premiums associated with a Federal Loan.

Once you have completed your FAFSA and received an offer to study at the University of Birmingham, the Funding, Graduation & Awards team will contact you with a Cost of Attendance and loan recommendation based on the information you provided within your form. You can then communicate with your designated loan adviser in order to clarify any points or confirm the loans you wish to take out.

Students may also apply for an adjustment based on special or unusual circumstances. Determinations are made on a case-by-casebasis and in accordance with the University’s Professional Judgement Policy. More information can be found on the University’s study cost and benefits webpage.