Postgraduate Admissions

Do I need to get a letter from the University to leave the UK?

With a valid Student Route visa, you can re-enter the UK as often as you like while you are registered on your programme at University of Birmingham. When trying to re-enter the UK, a Border Force Officer (BFO) may check that you are still registered and studying, so we advise that you carry a confirmation of registration in your hand luggage. You can view, download and print a copy of your proof of registration letters online via our Verify Secure Documents website (on the Secure Letters tab).

If you need to travel during term time and you will miss classes, you will need to obtain permission from your academic department. If you are granted permission to have a brief absence from your programme, carry a letter confirming this which you can show when you return to the UK. If you have to leave the UK in an emergency, you can contact us from overseas.