Professor Bryan S. Turner

Professor Bryan S. Turner

Department of Theology and Religion
Honorary Professor at Potsdam University
and Director of the Centre for Social Citizenship, Religious Diversity and Social Pluralism at Potsdam
Distinguished Honorary Fellow, Edward Cadbury Centre

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My research interests include sociology of religion, social and political theory, and citizenship and human rights.

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  • Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) First Class. University of Leeds, 1966
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Leeds, 1970
  • Doctor of Letters, Flinders University, South Australia, 1986
  • Master of Arts, University of Cambridge 2002
  • Doctor of Letters, University of Cambridge 2009


Professor Turner is also Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Graduate center CUNY; Professorial Fellow at the Australian Catholic University, Australia; Faculty Associate of the Center for Cultural Sociology at Yale University; Research Associate at the French National Centre for Scientific Research; Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and Member of the American Sociological Research Association.

He was a Professor of Sociology at the University of Cambridge (1998–2005) and Research Team Leader for the Religion Cluster at the Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore (2005–2008). He has held university appointments in England, Scotland, Australia, Germany, Holland, Singapore and the United States.

Recognising his contributions to Sociology, he has received several honorary degrees, most recently Doctor of Letters from the University of Cambridge.  He recently received the Max Planck Research Award at Potsdam University and is a Visiting Professor at the same University.


  • Ossamai-Inesedy, Alphia and Turner, Bryan S. 2016. ‘Same-Sex Marriage and the Christian Conservative Reaction’ in Jena-Gy A. Goulet (ed) Religious Diversity Today. Experiencing Religion in the Contemporary World. Volume 3. Santa Barbara: Praeger, volume pp.203- 228.
  • Turner. Bryan S 2015. ‘Can We Survive Science:Steve Fuller’s Humanity 2.0 The Sociological Quarterly 56(1)(Winter): 101-107.
  • Dumas,Alex and Turner, Bryan S 2015. ‘Introduction: Human Longevity, Utopia and Solidarity’ The Sociological Quarterly 56(1)(Winter):1-17.
  • Turner, Bryan S. 2015. ‘Civil Sphere and Political Performance: Critical Reflections on Alexander’s Cultural Sociology’ in Peter Kivisto and Giuseppe Sciortino (eds) Solidarity, Justice and Incorporation. Thinking through The Civil Sphere, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-80.
  • Turner, Bryan S. 2015 ‘Irony and Paradox in Sociological Explanations. Mohamed Cherkaoui on Revolutions and Good Intentions’ in Gianlucza Manzo (ed) Theories and Social Mechanisms .Essays in Honour of Mohamed Cherkaoui, Oxford: The Bardwell Press, volume 2, pp.387-404.
  • Campbell, Emily, Torpey, John and Turner Bryan S. 2015. ‘Religion and the Occupy Wall Street Movement’ Critical Research on Religion 3(2):127-147.
  • Turner, B.S., 2015. Charisma and Charismatic. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 3. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 350–352.
  • Turner, Bryan S. and Richarson James ‘The Future of Legal Pluralism’ in Possamai, Adam, Rchardson, James T.and Turner, Bryan S. (eds) The Sociology of Shari’a: cases studies from around the World. New York: Springer, pp.305-314.
  • Eisenstadt, S.N. and Turner, B.S., 2015. ‘Generations, Sociology of”. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 9. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 866–870.
  • Turner, Bryan S. and Arslan, Berna Zengin ‘Legal pluralism and the Sharia: a comparison of Greece and Turkey’ in Possamai, Adam, Richardson, James T.and Turner, Bryan S. (eds) The Sociology of Shari’a: cases studies from around the World. New York: Springer, pp.219-236.
  • Turner, Bryan S. ‘Soft authoritarianism, Social Diversity and Legal Pluralism’ in Possamai, Adam, Richardson, James T. and Turner, Bryan S. (eds) The Sociology of Shari’a: cases studies from around the World. New York: Springer, pp.69-82.
  • Turner, Bryan S. and Possamai, Adam ‘Chapter 1. Introduction: Legal pluralism and Sharia’ in Possamai, Adam, Richardson, James T. and Turner, Bryan S. (eds) The Sociology of Shari’a: cases studies from around the World. New York: Springer, pp.1-13
  • Further publications