Professor Ben Pink Dandelion BA, PhD

Professor Ben Pink Dandelion

Department of Theology and Religion
Honorary Professor of Quaker Studies
Director, Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies

Contact details

1046 Bristol Road
Birmingham B29 6LJ

My work is in the sociology, history and theology of Quaker studies and in the wider sociology of religion. I founded the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies in 1999 and now direct its work.

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I came to academic life in my mid-twenties completing a part-time BA in Combined Humanities (History, Religion and Culture, and Media Studies) and then a PhD in the sociology of British Quakerism at the University of Brighton. I worked at the Centre for Quaker Studies at the University of Sunderland in the 1990s but also began work at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham in 1992. I was appointed Professor in Quaker Studies by the University of Birmingham in 2008.

Postgraduate supervision

The Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies has around 20 MA by Research/ PhD students and is the leading centre worldwide in research into Quakerism. There is a staff team of 14 supervisors and we can supervise in most areas of Quaker studies: history, theology, philosophy, sociology, literary studies and Quaker values in education.

My own research interests lie particularly in the sociology of religion and the sociology of sects. For example, I have two students researching the Amish. I am also interested in endtime theology and apocalyptic thought.

Recent MA by Research students

  • Philippa Andrews, ‘Samuel Fothergill and Eighteenth-Century Quaker Reform’.
  • Richard Bainbridge, how and why people became associated with Quakers in Britain today.
  • Nicole Cline (USA), ‘Francis King 1818 – 91’.
  • Jonathan Doering, Quaker spirituality and creative production, particularly literary writing.
  • Andrew Jack, ‘Wittgenstein and the Quakers’.
  • Chris Lord, Quakers, Wittgenstein, and animal consciousness.

Recent PhD students

  • Leo Barnard, a Quaker perspective on mental health.
  • Kelvin Beer-Jones, ‘Quakers and the History of Anthropology’.
  • Stephen Brooks, ‘Habermas and Quaker Business Method’.
  • Ian Cook, ‘Quakers and the Iron Industry, 1750 – 1800’.
  • Andrew Fincham, ‘Quaker Attitudes to Commerce’.
  • Erica Canela, ‘Quakers and Religious Identity in Herefordshire and Worcestershire, 1650 – 1725’.
  • Mark Frankel, ‘T. Edmund Harvey’.
  • Chris Gardiner, ‘Toeing the Scratch: A Historical Analysis of the Transition of Welsh Prize-Fighting c.1750 – c.1918’.
  • Frederique Green, ‘The American politico-legal system and the Amish’.
  • Fran Handrick, ‘The Effects of Changing Patterns of Employment on Amish Women in Old Order Communities’.
  • Melvin Harris, 'The Quakers of Fritchley'
  • Damian Hursey, ‘Charles Taylor’s ‘Sources of the Self’ and Life actualisation’.
  • Margaret Johnston, ‘Quakers and the Priesthood’.
  • Sian King, ‘The distribution and ownership of English chapbooks and other cheap print in south Wales and its borders, 1650 to 1730’.
  • Hilary Marson, ‘A Quaker Theology of Personal Crisis’.
  • Irena Marusincova, Feuerstein’s approach to teaching in Quaker contexts.
  • Glen Morrison, ‘Patterns of Church Planting amongst Early Friends’.
  • Kevin Mortimer (USA), ‘Orthodox and Quaker Soteriology’.
  • John Shinebourne ‘The Meaning of Membership’.
  • Nicola Sleapwood, ‘Quakers and Business in the Twentieth century’.
  • Peter Staples
  • Marion Strachan, ‘Norwegian Quaker Relief after the Second World War’.
  • Ian Toombs, ‘Secular Religion and the Sunday Service’.

Find out more - our PhD Theology and Religion  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


I am currently co-editing with Stephen Angell of the Earlham School of Religion two books on the history and social practice of Quakerism, also researching Philadelphia as a sacred space, and am beginning a longer term project on citizenship and how Quakers have related to wider society across time.

Other activities

I founded the Quaker Studies Research Association (QSRA) in 1993 and have edited the fully refereed journal Quaker Studies since 1995.



  • with Douglas Gwyn and Timothy Peat,  Heaven on Earth: Quakers and the second coming. Second Edition, Plain Press, forthcoming 2018
  • With Stephen W. Angell, The Cambridge Companion to Quaker Studies: CUP, 2017.
  • With Stephen W. Angell, Quakers, Industry and Technology: FAHE, 2017.
  • With Stephen W. Angell, Early Quakers and their Theological Thought 1647 - 1723, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • With Stephen W. Angell, The Oxford Handbook of Quaker Studies, Oxford: OUP, 2013. (Paperback 2015)
  • Making our Connections: the spirituality of travel. London: SCM, 2013, xxiv + 163pp.
  • With Margery Post Abbott, Mary Ellen Chijioke, and John Oliver, The Historical Dictionary of Friends (Quakers). Second Edition. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press,  Second Edition, 2011.
  • With Sylvia Collins-Mayo, Religion and Youth. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2010
  • The Quakers: a very short introduction. Oxford; Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • With Peter Collins, The Quaker Condition: the sociology of a liberal religion.  Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
  • An Introduction to Quakerism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  2007.
  • With Jackie Leach Scully,  Good and Evil: Quaker perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
  • The Liturgies of Quakerism.  Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005.
  • with Douglas Gwyn, Rachel Muers, Brian Phillips, and Richard Sturm. Towards Tragedy/Reclaiming  Hope.  Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
  • The Creation of Quaker Theory: insider perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.