Recent publications
Bhojani, A-R 2015, Moral rationalism and Shari'a: Independent rationality in modern Shi'i usul al-fiqh.
Bhojani, A & Clarke, M 2023, 'Religious Authority beyond Domination and Discipline: Epistemic Authority and Its Vernacular Uses in the Shi‘i Diaspora', Comparative Studies in Society and History, pp. 1-24.
Bhojani, A 2022, 'Linguistic philosophy in modern uṣūl al-fiqh: al-Ākhund al-Khurāsānī (d. 1911) on seeking something without willing it to be', Méthodos, no. 22.
Bhojani, A-R 2008, 'Ijtihad in traditional Shi’i thought: Obstacles and Inconsistencies', Shia Affairs, Vol. 1 pp. 113-129.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Bhojani, A-R 2025, Reclaiming Space for God-Talk: Theories of ijtihād and Intra-Muslim Differences in Matters of Belief. in Divine Revelation and Communication: Contemporary Muslim Theological Approaches. Gerlach Press, pp. 55-76.
Bhojani, A-R & Clarke, M 2024, Risking Speech in Islam. in M Candea, T Fedirko, P Heywood & F Wright (eds), Freedoms of Speech: Anthropological Perspectives on Language, Ethics, and Power. Studies in the Anthropology of Language, Sign, and Social Life, University of Toronto Press, 9781487552978, pp. 94-110.
Bhojani, A-R 2024, Between Fear and Hope: AI ethics in Islamic Thought. in T Peters (ed.), The Promise and Peril of AI and IA : New Technology Meets Religion, Theology, and Ethics. ATF Press, pp. 255-266. <>
Bhojani, A-R 2024, ‘Is Every Mujtahid Correct?’ And the Implications of Holding Incorrect Theological Beliefs for One’s Fate in the Hereafter, from the Qawānīn al-Uṣūl of Mīrzā al-Qummī (d. 1231/1816). in O Anchassi & R Gleave (eds), Islamic Law in Context : A Primary Source Reader. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 58-69.
Bhojani, A-R 2019, al-Sayyid ʿAlī al-Ḥusaynī al-Sīstānī on Uṣūl al-fiqh in Twelver Shīʿī Thought: Its Importance and Historical Phases: Its Importance and Historical Phases. in Visions of Sharīʿa.
Bhojani, A-R 2019, Towards the Hermeneutics of a Justice-Oriented Reading of Sharīʿa. in Visions of Sharīʿa.
Bhojani, A-R 2019, Uṣūlī Shī’ī exegesis of 9:122: A Potential Quranic ‘justification’ for collective Ijtihād and consultative taqlīd. in Ijtihād & Taqlīd: Past, Present and Future, eds. Wahid M. Amin and Muhammed R. Tajiri (AMI Press: Birmingham, 2019).
Bhojani, A-R 2019, Visions of Sharīʿa: An Introduction. in Visions of Sharīʿa.
Bhojani, A-R 2019, Visions of Sharīʿa: Contemporary Discussions in Shī ͑ī Legal Theory.
Conference contribution
Bhojani, A-R & Clarke, M 2022, Free Speech as Ethical Speech in Islam: An Essay in Ethnographic Moral Theology. in L Takim (ed.), Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the limits of Expression in Islam : Proceedings of the 9th AMI Contemporary Fiqhī Issues Workshop . AMI Press, pp. 40-55, Free Speech, Scholarly Critique, and the Limits of Expression in Islam, 1/07/21. <>
Bhojani, AR & Schwarting, M 2023, 'Truth and Regret: Large Language Models, the Quran, and Misinformation', Theology and Science, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 557-563.
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