Dr Glykeria Skamagki PhD

Dr Glykeria Skamagki

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Program Lead for the MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)

Contact details

Glykeria is a chartered physiotherapist with research interests in occupational health and safety, musculoskeletal disorders and education. She is currently working on projects around sustainable employability focusing on the ageing workforce, women, and those with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

Glykeria is very passionate about teaching and education and focuses on new pedagogies and innovative ways to support her students.


PhD in Physiotherapy (Coventry University, UK)

PGCert in Academic Practice in Higher Education (Coventry University, UK)

MSc in Applying Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)

Higher Degree in Physiotherapy (International Hellenic Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece)


Dr Glykeria Skamagki graduated as a Physiotherapist from the International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki, Greece in 2010. She worked clinically in Greece and UK within the NHS and the sports field followed by ongoing work in private practice. She gained an MSc in Applying Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Sheffield Hallam University in 2013 and a PGCert in Academic Practice in higher Education in 2016.  

Glykeria specializes in occupational health and has been a committee member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics since 2019. She completed her PhD study at Coventry University in 2022 focusing on the management chronic musculoskeletal conditions at the workplace and the ageing workforce. Glykeria worked at Coventry University before taking up the post of Assistant Professor in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at the University of Birmingham.


Glykeria joined academia teaching both the undergraduate and postgraduate programme.

Glykeria is the Program Lead for the MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)

Postgraduate supervision

Potential students can contact Dr Skamagki by email.


Glykeria’s main interests relate to wellbeing in the workplace for either prevention, management or return-to-work. She is interested in sustaining employability until retirement, and she is focusing on supporting all subgroups of the workforce and particularly the older employees, women and those with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

Glykeria in general enjoys working on topics around occupational health and safety, musculoskeletal disorders and public health issues. In addition, she is very enthusiastic as an educator therefore research interests expand on teaching and learning strategies, internationalisation of the curriculum and innovative ways to teach and support our students.

Glykeria is also very interested in methodologies and she specializes in Mixed Methods Research.

Other activities

Glykeria is the Research officer at the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics since 2019. She is also part of the British Academy Network for early researchers, and she enjoys thoroughly her role within social sciences and research. Glykeria is also part of the Academic Forum for occupational health and medicine and the Musculoskeletal at Work network supported by the Society of Occupational Medicine. 

In her free time Glykeria loves to learn new languages, cook, sing and travel.


Skamagki Glykeria, King Andrew,  Carpenter Christine and  Wåhlin Charlotte (2023). How do Employees with Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders Experience the Management of Their Condition in the Workplace? A Metasynthesis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation doi.org/10.1007/s10926-023-10099-2

Skamagki Glykeria, King Andrew,  Carpenter Christine and  Wåhlin Charlotte (2022) The concept of integration in mixed methods research: a step-by-step guide using an example study in physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2120375 

Skamagki, Glykeria, Christine Carpenter, Andrew King, and Charlotte Wåhlin. 2022. Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace from the Perspective of Older Employees: A Mixed Methods Research Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 15: 9348. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159348

Hutting, N., Boucaut, R., Gross, D.P., Heerkens, Y.F., Johnston, V., Skamagki, G., and Stigmar, K. (2020) ‘Work-Focused Health Care: The Role of Physical Therapists’. Physical Therapy [online] available from https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzaa166

Skamagki, Andrew King, Michael Duncan, Charlotte Wåhlin (2018). A systematic review on workplace interventions to manage chronic musculoskeletal conditions, European Journal of physiotherapy

Pablo A. Domene, Michelle Stanley, Glykeria Skamagki (2018). Injury Surveillance of Nonprofessional Salsa Dance, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Human Kinetics