Professor Jerry Tew

Professor Jerry Tew

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Professor of Mental Health and Social Work

Contact details

Department of Social Work and Social Care
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Jerry is currently leading national research for the Department of Health Policy Research Programme to explore how Local Authorities (and their partners) are responding to the challenge, embedded in the Care Act, to build capacity so as to ‘prevent, reduce or delay’ the need for social care services. He is also co-investigator in the ODESSI trial led by Prof Stephen Pilling at University College London.


Jerry has over 20 years' experience as an Approved Social Worker, manager and training officer within Social Services Departments and the voluntary sector. He has lectured in Higher Education since 1998 and has particular interests in mental health, recovery and social inclusion, whole family approaches and service user involvement.


His teaching areas are in mental health, research methods and social work theories and methods – with a particular emphasis on collaborative working with service users, carers and other professional groups.

He has been national lead for social work for the Higher Education Academy Mental Health in Higher Education project and Mental Health Advisor for the Social Work and Policy Subject Centre.


Jerry is currently leading national research for the Department of Health Policy Research Programme to explore how Local Authorities (and their partners) are responding to the challenge, embedded in the Care Act, to build capacity so as to ‘prevent, reduce or delay’ the need for social care services. 

He is co-investigator in the ODESSI trial led by Prof Stephen Pilling at University College London.  This is investigating the implementation and effectiveness of Open Dialogue which is a radically new family-focused whole systems approach in mental health that has been pioneered in Finland but is now being rolled out in a number of localities in the UK.

He was formerly the Director of the Family Potential Research Centre and led an ESRC funded Knowledge Exchange Programme on Family Inclusive Policy and Practice, in collaboration with Sheffield and Huddersfield Universities.  He has been a co-investigator in an AHRC funded project exploring Mutual Recovery for Mental Health and Well-Being through Creative Practice and has convened a Clinical Research Group on Mental Wellbeing, Public Mental Health and Recovery in collaboration with the University of Warwick.

He recently completed a national study funded by the School of Social Care Research on how whole family approaches may contribute to the reablement of people with mental health difficulties. He was also a co-investigator in national research projects on recovery approaches in mental health practice and the implementation of personalisation within the field of mental health - and has completed research on the community development approaches with minority communities.

He was formerly the Social Care Lead for the Heart of England Hub of the Mental Health Research Network and has been Research Lead for the national Social Perspectives Network.



Glasby J and Tew, J (2015) Mental Health Policy and Practice Palgrave Macmillan.

Tew, J (2011) Social approaches to mental distress Palgrave Macmillan.

Tew, J (ed) (2005) Social perspectives in mental health: developing social models to understand and work with mental distress.  Jessica Kingsley. 

Tew, J (2002) Social Theory, Power and Practice Palgrave Macmillan.  

Other selected publications

Tew J (accepted for publication) The imprint of trauma on family relationships: an enquiry into what may trouble a ‘troubled family’ and its implications for whole-family services.  Families, Relationships and Societies

Tew, J (2017) A crisis of meaning: can ‘schizophrenia’ survive in the 21st century? Medical Humanities 43:111-117.

Tew, J , Nicholls, V, Plumridge, G and Clarke, H. (2016) Family-inclusive approaches to reablement in mental health: models, mechanisms and outcomes. British Journal of Social Work

Tew, J, Larsen, J, Hamilton, S, Manthorpe, J, Clewett, N,  Pinfold V, and Szymczynska, P (2015) ‘And the stuff that I’m able to achieve now is really amazing’: the potential of personal budgets as a mechanism for supporting recovery in mental health.  British Journal of Social Work.

Hamilton, S, Tew, J, Szymczynska, P, Clewett, N, Manthorpe, J, Larsen, J, and Pinfold, V (2015) Power, choice and control: how do personal budgets affect the experiences of people with mental health problems and their relationships with social workers and other practitioners?  British Journal of Social Work.

Larsen, J, Tew, J Hamilton, S, Manthorpe, J,  Pinfold, V, Szymczynska, P and Clewett, N (2015) Outcomes from personal budgets in mental health: service users’ experiences in three English local authorities.  Journal of Mental Health.

Tew J (2015) Towards a socially situated model of mental distress   In H Spandler, J Anderson and B Sapey (eds) Madness, distress and the Politics of Disablement.  Policy Press.

Tew J (2014) Agents of change?  Social work for wellbeing and mental health.  In J Weinstein Mental Health: Critical debates in contemporary social work. Policy Press.

Bird, V, Leamy, M,  Tew, J, Le Boutillier, C, Williams, J and Slade, M (2014) Fit for purpose? Validation of a conceptual framework for personal recovery with current mental health consumers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.

Tew, J (2013) Asset based approaches and ‘troubled families’: can the discourses join up? Families, Relationships and Societies.

Tew, J (2013) Recovery capital: what enables a sustainable recovery from mental health difficulties?  European Journal of Social Work 16:3 360-74.

Larsen, J, Ainsworth, E,  Harrop, C,  Patterson, S,  Hamilton, S,  Szymczynska, P, Tew, J,  Manthorpe, J, and Pinfold, V (2013)  Implementing personalisation for people with mental health problems: a comparative case study of four local authorities in England.  Journal of Mental Health.

Tew J (2013) Theories of Empowerment.  In M Davies (ed) Blackwell Companion to Social Work. Blackwell.

Salkeld, R, Wagstaff, C and Tew, J (2013) Towards a new way of relating: delivering recovery training jointly to staff and service users, Journal of Mental Health.

Tew, J, Ramon, S, Slade, M, Bird, V, Melton, J, and Le Boutillier, C (2012)  Social factors and recovery from mental health difficulties: a review of the evidence.  British Journal of Social Work.

Tew, J (2012) Theory in mental health social work.  In M Davies (ed) Social Work with Adults: From Policy to Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Tew, J, Holley, T and Caplen, P (2012) Dialogue and challenge: involving service users and carers in small group learning with social work and nursing students.  Social Work Education.

Tew, J and Nixon, J (2010), Parent abuse: opening up a discussion of a complex instance of family-power relations. Social Policy and Society.

Slade, M, Bird, V, Chandler, R, Fox, J, Larsen, Tew, J and Leamy, M. (2010), The contribution of advisory committees and public involvement to large studies: case study. BMC Health Services Research.

Townend, M, Tew, J, Repper, J and Grant, A (2008) Involvement of Service Users in Education and Training: A Review of the Literature and Exploration of the Implications for the Education and Training of Psychological Therapists. Journal of Mental Health Tew, J (2008) Social perspectives on mental distress. In T. Stickley and T. Basset (eds) Learning About Mental Health Practice London: Wiley.

Tew, J (2008) Social perspectives on mental distress. In T. Stickley and T. Basset (eds) Learning About Mental Health Practice London: Wiley.

Tew, J (2008) Researching in partnership: reflecting on a collaborative study with mental health service users into the longer term impact of compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital. Qualitative Social Work .

Morris, K, Hughes, N, Clarke, H, Tew, J, Mason, P, Galvani, S, Lewis, A and Loveless, L with Becker, S and Burford, G (2008) Think family: a literature review of whole family approaches. London: Cabinet Office Social Exclusion Task Force.

Tew, J, Gould, N, Abankwa, D, Barnes, H, Beresford, P, Carr, S, et al (2006)  Values and Methodologies For Social Research in Mental Health.  Social Care Institute for Excellence / Social Perspectives Network. 

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Professor Tew is interested in social research and mental health and new models of adult social care. He was formerly the Social Care Lead for the Heart of England Hub of the Mental Health Research Network and has been Research Lead for the national Social Perspectives Network.