Chapters in books
Smojkis M, Nolan P (2004) Experiences in mental health nursing. Chapter in Getting Research into Practice by Clifford, C & Clarke J. Elsevier.
Tummey, R & Smojkis M (2004) Chapter: Primary Mental Health Care: in Planning Care in Mental Health Nursing. Palgrave.
Articles in journals
Spector, R, Smojkis, M, Chilton, L and members of Suresearch, (2011) Service-user involvement in a ward staff training project: Participants' experiences of making digital stories. Clinical Psychology Forum, No. 220.
Nolan, P Smojkis, M (2003) The mental health of nurses in the UK. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, vol.9 374-379.
Selected Conference contributions
Smojkis, M (2011) University of Birmingham Teaching and Learning Conference 2011. Developing transferrable skills: Reflective Practice groups in an Interdisciplinary Preceptorship Programme.
Smojkis, M and Byrne, F (2011), Networking for Education in Healthcare (NET) Conference in collaboration with Frances Byrne the Lead for Professional Development and Quality BSMHFT which will be held in Cambridge in September. Interdisciplinary Preceptorship: The importance of Partnership Working.
Smojkis, M and Clark, M (2010) Middlesex University; Centre for Learning and Quality Enhancement. Digital Stories: Creating Reusable Learning Objects to link theory and practice in health and social care education.
Chilton, E and Smojkis, M (2009) Vicarious learning through digital stories: listening to the authentic voice of mental health service users. Poster presentation (gaining first prize in conference poster competition) at the Fourth International Blended Learning Conference 'Engaging Students in the Curriculum'. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield 17-18 June 2009.
Smojkis, M and Clark, M (2009) Royal College of Nursing Mental Health Conference. Delivering mental health care in the UK today, Edinburgh. March 2009. Embedding Service User and Carer Voices into the Education of Mental Health Practitioners.
Smojkis, M and Chilton, E (2009) 6th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference. The University of Birmingham. 4 March 2009. Digital Stories: Quality multimedia learning and teaching resources produced with minimal technical skills.